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went to the ER today... BP was 189/113

by the time the emts got here I was up to 200/150

Earned me an instant trip to the ER.

Was only in there for an hour. my BP went down to 162 and they gave me my standard Blood pressure drug... Only missed one dose this morning.

So there I was with only my car keys on a string around my neck and no shoes. clothes of course. and no money to pay the cab.

Quick ride to moms house and my son picked me up from there.

Everything ok it was asystematic? But they said to check with my doctor to be sure.

I dunno being in Grief and anger and fear kind of is a cause....

going off to bed.


Shoot! Shoot Shot!!! :barnie :he :hugs
@perchie.girl I want you to google( FlorAlive uncut ).if you can aford to, get a bottle .My holistic dr. makes it .I would not say to take it but. My anxiety was so bad I could not even think about going under a house to work .He gave me these two .5 drops in a little water three times a day . He started me with the healing support fist .after I finished the first bottle ,then he added the endtopanic .I alternated the two .one one day the other the next day .I could not get in elevators without getting rely nervous. It helped me so much I was amazed .Tell people about him all the time.For me it was a life changer.
went to the ER today... BP was 189/113

by the time the emts got here I was up to 200/150

Earned me an instant trip to the ER.

Was only in there for an hour. my BP went down to 162 and they gave me my standard Blood pressure drug... Only missed one dose this morning.

So there I was with only my car keys on a string around my neck and no shoes. clothes of course. and no money to pay the cab.

Quick ride to moms house and my son picked me up from there.

Everything ok it was asystematic? But they said to check with my doctor to be sure.

I dunno being in Grief and anger and fear kind of is a cause....

going off to bed.

Yep... such news would make anyone's blood pressure shoot up!

@perchie.girl - ugh. I am so sorry all that's been happening. Do you have insurance on the place? How are you feeling today? You're in my prayers.:hugs:hugs
No... No insurance. today UM yeasterday was rough. Tried to relax by taking mom shopping on the way home she had me in a crying jag.... Cried the whole way to her house. then on and off to home. By the time I got out of the car I was ok. In the house i went and decided to take my blood presseure.

I called n911 by the time the EMTs got there my blood pressure was 200 over 150 ish. off to the ER

I was now in Light... house is dark... Relaxed atmosphere comfortable bed. I almost fell asleep. BP Was dopwn to 172 after about fifteen minutes. By half an hour it was town another ten points. They gave me my blood pressure meds and sent me home.

In a Taxi Guy was probably from Packastan... Sounded Indian but his name looked Arabic. My nerves were shot before we left the hosepital. :gig I had to type the destination for him on his Phone which was cracked beyond belief. Nice guy but english was an issue. Could not drive especially on the freeway.

Mom had a fit over the price of the ride... I tried to say "Mom Dont" but got out of the car instead. I went in to the house as ordered and sat on her recilner. Thank GAWD my son showed up in about ten minutes.... and saved me from the Grilling over the hospital.

Home at grandmas Dark house now seemed a refuge. Where we freed poor Brandy from Paramedic prison (grandmas bedroom). She took her time comeing out apparently she took the opportunity to nap. Silly girl and I was worried.

We got dinner on the way home and I had my two Ginormous Pickled Jalepenios... Been Craving them lately. and about a third of my Fish taco.

Went to bed couldnt sleep or even relax. Came in here and played Solitare till the sun went down. Took my night time meds plus some added tylenol. and went to bed.

I died figureatively. only got up twice to go to the bathroom.

this is the second time. back was hurting so I came in for more Tylenol.

Going back to bed now.

Nite Orr

Gnite Pond

I get a daily text to remind me to take my meds. I don’t “read” the text until I’ve taken the medicine. So I always see that little red number, and the preview until I actually go do it!
View attachment 2039219
When I have something to take I always set a reoccurring reminder on my phone.

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