Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good evening pond peoples, or story tonight is cold. NW wind snow flurries.Not much else . Normal mud :sick Daffodils in full bloom .So I'm confused ,did the groundhog see his shadow?sure don't seem like he didn't.And really would a intellegent groundhog come out? So is this a early spring or 6 more weeks of winter?
and it only took living through a bad husband ,killer flood and five years give or take .I am so happy your life is all good right now. Are you back living on your place yet?

Not even close :(

And thats only two years taken into consideration :lau ive walked a hard road, 'tis for sure, but i think its what i needed to be molded to be exactly where i am today with my extra difficult family :love

Potty training all three toddlers at once Day Two today
Not even close :(

And thats only two years taken into consideration :lau ive walked a hard road, 'tis for sure, but i think its what i needed to be molded to be exactly where i am today with my extra difficult family :love

Potty training all three toddlers at once Day Two today

OMG! :thDo yourself a favor & put a bookshelf, a comfy chair & a coffee pot in the bathroom.

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