Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Hey Pond,
Just (very carefully) skating through. Rough day at work today - I got pushed by a student, hit the floor hard enough that they made me go get checked out (as in, the principal drove me to the clinic). X-rays didn't show any damage, but I am stiff and sore. Got right in to my chiropractor, and she said, "Yeah, you're just starting to feel it." DH "suggested" that I take the day off tomorrow. I didn't argue.

Not much else going on here. DH is still plugging away at the corn. He called me when I was on my way home today, asking how soon I'd be home because he was, "Stucker than stuck" with the combine. (He didn't know about my incident at school yet - I told him after he was in for the night.) We got the combine out without too much trouble. I started out in the tractor pulling, but then we traded places and I got in the combine and he pulled with tractor and it popped right out. I told him he just needed the right person in the combine, giving it lots of love and encouragement. (Really it needed the right person in the tractor, but I didn't tell him that. ;))

I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.
Have you had a lot of early rain bobbi-j?
Hey Pond,
Just (very carefully) skating through. Rough day at work today - I got pushed by a student, hit the floor hard enough that they made me go get checked out (as in, the principal drove me to the clinic). X-rays didn't show any damage, but I am stiff and sore. Got right in to my chiropractor, and she said, "Yeah, you're just starting to feel it." DH "suggested" that I take the day off tomorrow. I didn't argue.

Not much else going on here. DH is still plugging away at the corn. He called me when I was on my way home today, asking how soon I'd be home because he was, "Stucker than stuck" with the combine. (He didn't know about my incident at school yet - I told him after he was in for the night.) We got the combine out without too much trouble. I started out in the tractor pulling, but then we traded places and I got in the combine and he pulled with tractor and it popped right out. I told him he just needed the right person in the combine, giving it lots of love and encouragement. (Really it needed the right person in the tractor, but I didn't tell him that. ;))

I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

The combine - He must've loosened it for you. ;)

The push - I hate this for you! :hugs Did the police come? Do you have a time out room?

My sister was a special ed teacher for many years. She was a tiny 5'1" 95# physically disabled person & those kids towered over her. I feared for her health everyday, but she loved her work (like I know you do) I she took it all in stride. Your story gives me a little nostalgic anxiety in a weirdly warm & fuzzy way. I'm sure that makes no sense, so let me just say, you are a good egg bobbi & I hope you feel better after a nice long weekend. :hugs
Have you had a lot of early rain bobbi-j?
It’s been wet since last fall. Got a lot of rain then, more snow than usual last winter, and wet all spring, summer and fall. Last week was pretty cold, so the ground was frozen and carried the combine well. Yesterday it was good until he found a soft spot and the bottom just dropped out from under the combine. Happily, he finished that field today.

The combine - He must've loosened it for you. ;)

The push - I hate this for you! :hugs Did the police come? Do you have a time out room?

My sister was a special ed teacher for many years. She was a tiny 5'1" 95# physically disabled person & those kids towered over her. I feared for her health everyday, but she loved her work (like I know you do) I she took it all in stride. Your story gives me a little nostalgic anxiety in a weirdly warm & fuzzy way. I'm sure that makes no sense, so let me just say, you are a good egg bobbi & I hope you feel better after a nice long weekend. :hugs
No, no police necessary yesterday. It was not an intentional “I want to hurt you” push. He was very remorseful afterward. He got sent home yesterday and spent today in in school suspension. We’re going to start fresh on Monday.

I’ll definitely feel better after the weekend. I felt well enough to drive down to see grandkids today. Will be here until Sunday.

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