Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Ok, so, nothin' new here. (other than sending laughing faces to family members to our south because they're getting the snow today and we're not :p )
Looks like the "big" freeze is settling in early this year so got to get the last of the cleaning up the "help" from the chooks rototilling the garden and raised beds before everything gets frozen solid.
Yes ma'am ive been doing that for years now :highfive:. Except we drive too much and they only last about 3 months :oops: new ones last about a year. We have put about 75k miles on the vehicles each year. The current new ones came from my uncle as he traded in his old truck w my old tires n gave me the new ones he had jus bought or else there would be two old and two used new.
That's a lot of driving. I used to do something like that yearly.
The idiots that scare me are the, “I have 4 wheel drive so I can go fast on the ice roads” idiots. They apparently don’t think about, “What if I need to stop in as short a distance as possible?”

We also get our own special kind of “Citiots” out here during hunting season. On Saturday DH was hauling a load of beans to town. Some citiot hunter pulling a trailer with his ATV pulled out in front of him. DH had to stand in the brakes and still came too close for comfort. He ended up following the guy into town. The citiot turned into the local bait shop which happens to be right next to the grain elevator. DH said he followed the guy into the parking lot and gave him a piece of his mind, explaining that a loaded truck can’t just stop on a dime and ended with, “You ever do that again, and I’m just gonna run into you!” (He wouldn’t because he’d be liable, but he was pretty upset, and probably a bit shook up.)
If it snows here I take the trail bike. Yep it's not as comfortable as a truck but you can point it out of trouble.
Morning pond stay on my lilly pad started a fire in the stove it is cold here frost has fallen
Okay last night took dogs out not quite dark Snow runs to me but is looking at the grass then I see this little mouse well put the end of my walking stick kinda knocked it out put dogs away tried calling Bob and Mo outside cats went back mouse had started to move tapped it with my stick again hmm still moving stupid me stomps on it falls over but mouse cannot move anymore devil may.gif

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