Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Rumor is that we are in for an 'upgrade'. On the last one it took me weeks to get back home. I almost stayed at Backyardherds. :barnie :he
No, no, no, NO! (Although it was because of the “upgrade” that I found my way to the Pond, so it wasn’t all bad...) But I didn’t really like BYH. I almost gave up on BYC.

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Just got off the lake..... In time to catch the world series game three...... Man Little lake sure is pretty at sunset...
That is gorgeous! You should seriously make a calendar or something.
No, no, no, NO! (Although it was because of the “upgrade” that I found my way to the Pond, so it wasn’t all bad...) But I didn’t really like BYH. I almost gave up on BYC.

That is gorgeous! You should seriously make a calendar or something.
Not sure I can handle another "upgrade" like the last one.
Do any have tubes?
I miss going to the hardware store and checking the vacuum tubes on the machine they had..... And I remember having to wait forever it seemed for the tubes to warm up and the picture to come on.....
I do NOT miss them! Being the little sister in a house full of men I was always the one that got sent to the hardware store for stuff like that.
Backyardherds will be upgraded next week and sometime after that our home will by upgraded. I went over there, and the Pond we set up is still functional. I cleaned the filters and dusted off the lily pads just in case we have to move.
Full of confidence in the management I see Mr sourland.:D

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