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Does anyone else here have a hard time picking out greeting cards?
I can never just pick one without reading 3 dozen of them first.
As if the card picking out isn't hard enough. .
I have a great uncle who is dying of cancer. He moved out to Arizona to finish his days there so his wife would be close to her kids when he passes. Total suck for our family. . but I understand totally.
Anyway. . he is at the end and currently bedridden at the hospital.
Our family is doing a card shower since no-one can be there.
WOW. Try to find a card for that. It is NOT easy. :he
No I'll admit I just walk up and grab one.... Might read it..... Maybe
:hugs Shaw

I know that, in my job, boring is good, but Saturday was 10 years long... The weird thing is, Friday wasn't much busier, but went by faster than normal.

When we were househunting, the former owner did tell us that there were irises (which I love), but of course it was well after their season, so I've been waiting since the leaves started growing (what seems like) ages ago. Now I know what at least one color is! (Taken with my phone, so not nearly as good as it would've been with my camera...)

The girls returned to their engineering project, now that it's not raining...
Well now you have more snow than I do....:D
But it's suppose to snow here I in a few days.
Hope they are wrong.

Dang! Sure hope they are wrong!

Heck looks great to me....I got the munchies.
And no I haven't even touched a cookie today...
Took the wife out to dinner at the Up North Lodge..... We had company outside the window...View attachment 1748496

I have the munchies bad too.... I think because I am feeling more glum than usual. :rolleyes: Those does look skinny... need to thin that herd.

:drool Been ages since I had venison jerky and sausage! Love the stuff!

For me I can travel five miles in any direction and there's no snow.
It's like I have a snow magnet on my yard.

Can you just turn off the magnet? :pop

Don't do it..... Absolutely not.... Put the plow keys away.... Turn the boob tube on.... Out your feet up.......

Actually I did... ended up right at 6 inches... so I said :tongue And didn't plow.

:hugs Shaw

I know that, in my job, boring is good, but Saturday was 10 years long... The weird thing is, Friday wasn't much busier, but went by faster than normal.

When we were househunting, the former owner did tell us that there were irises (which I love), but of course it was well after their season, so I've been waiting since the leaves started growing (what seems like) ages ago. Now I know what at least one color is! (Taken with my phone, so not nearly as good as it would've been with my camera...)
View attachment 1748551

The girls returned to their engineering project, now that it's not raining...
View attachment 1748553 View attachment 1748554 View attachment 1748559

You have GREEN things! Tall ones too! :th
Me... I had a brain fart... forgot that I have been playing "fill up the tires" every few days... and with the 6 inches of snow I couldn't see the tires anyway (sure...let's go with that) AND I have been playing chicken with the gas gauge (do NOT ask me why :idunno )

So I jump in the car... 15 minutes late to get kids to wherever.... drive down the unplowed drive so of course the car is squirrely... get to the main road... say "Crap everyone hush!!!"....

Unroll the window, ease into the main drag and drive the little bit to the mailbox line up....

And say "Crap!!" Because it did not sound right I tell ya! :he:he:he Have kids get out and run about the car to check the tires... yeah.. a FLAT flat... like maybe flat enough for the rim to chew up the tire flat!!!

Do i have a spare? NOPE, the spare is being used on the front right tire spot... do i have a tiny portable compressor that plugs into the cigarette lighter and can fill up the tire? Sure... but 1. It is at the house and 2. It is busted and 3. I am on fumes,can't idle the car long enough to use it anyway.

I moan and bellow and turn the car around and between praying and cursing and hoping the blasted snow cushions the blasted expensive tires I clearly LOVE to ruin I drive back home.

I go to the busted up jeep... and open the driver's side door... :barnie :he forgot the blasted thing is COMPLETELY off of the top hinge! Dang all! But she turned over just fine, kid 4 helped me line up the door and close the door... we drive off...

I say "didn't I fix the shocks? Why the hay are we smacking down with every bump!" Oh right! My mind kicks in, I remember I fixed the shocks which were completely busted, but didn't yet replace the completely broken spring. Right. :rolleyes:

I tell kid 4 that is in the back to move over to the right side of the car... and the horrid noise and bottoming out stops (kid 4 only weighs 100 pounds :idunno )

Every so often I ask, if the kids can smell something burning... it smells like something is burning . :idunno Still not sure what that smell was... I checked the emergency brake... it was off.

And I ask motor head kid if he can remember the last time I filled up the tank in the jeep (no gas gauge, no speedometer).. he can't remember... I can't remember.

I stopped the car (yeah, after leaving the house) and made the kids check all of the tires.... tires good.

I start to drop kids off... and realize that I do not want to climb over all of the seats to fill up with gas.... so I drop off 1 kid, go to gas station and have other kid fill the tank, then drop him off.

Then I went home... went to church... supposed to have 2 kids in church... only see 1 kid.

I call the house, ask kid why he is home and not in church... he said after his bath he couldn't find a towel... he didn't realize everyone had left, so it took him a long time to finally leave the bathroom, and get a towel (he had been yelling, waitingfor someone to bring him one). He apologized and said he would be over super soon.

He was.

We had leftover spaghetti for supper.

I went through mail.... read a letter that said I am multiple years behind in some state something reporting something... :he so.... I have procrastinated about an hour... guess I should read it properly now and try to fix my latest screw up.
Glad you had some sunshine today.... Gloomy here
Bad wording, sorry. Beautiful weekend, wet Monday. Supposed to be nice tomorrow tho. Hope so. Got lots to get done tomorrow. I finally found a great deal on a used Nordictrack recumbent exercise bike AND DH said he's going to pay half for Mother's Day. Now I have to clean all the junk out of the extra bedroom so I can set it up in there and we have the appointment to pick it up at 5:30 tomorrow and because I had to waste the entire afternoon on a dr appointment (which did go well at least) I didn't get the yardwork completed today so I have to get that done tomorrow as well since I have another dr appt on Wed. and Thursday it's supposed to snow! :barnie

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