Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Saw a post on the "Educational Incubation" thread by somebody who's left the incubator's only vent plug in place to limit oxygen. That won't compute in my head. Two of us so far have asked for the reason, but no replies yet.

Trying to smother them slowly?
80 degrees here and sunny on Thursday. Friday rain and 43 degrees. Welcome to Northeast Ohio. At least most of the snow is melted.
We still have a bunch here.... But after 300" it's to be expected.... We're just glad it has been a slow melt. Supposed to be 70 today.
Looks beautiful so I need to head out and get something done.
welcome to the Pond Bling.... 86 here today. EVERY thing here has bloomed and its allergy season already... I am tking my first asthma treatment for the year.

Its Elevean pm. Cute Chick on your shoulder .... VBG


We should have taken the inlaws down to your place. We took them shopping on the beach & they nearly froze to death. 63* probably sounds warm to you all but the family said it was colder than the 40* they left in MI.

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