Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

They aren’t like regular rock pigeons you see every day. They are “fancy” pigeons, most used for showing and such. But they can still fly quite well.

This is one of my adults
View attachment 1706208

This is momma bird “Trip” with the 2 babies, Brick and Brewer
View attachment 1706209
I reckon if I had a brain I would be dangerous!
I made loads of curry when I got the paste. Six large portions be precise.
What I didn't do was check how much room I had in the freezer compartment of the fridge......

I'll be on the toilet again if anyone wants me.:rolleyes:
You really should know better than that by now...:lau
Monday... whats for dinner... curry
Tuesday.... whats for dinner.... curry
wednesday....... Oh CRap...
Thursday... Fish? With Curry
...... :th
Too funny deb! :gig
I'm starting to think building a catio was a very bad & very expensive idea. :th
Oh no... Im sorry..:(:hugs
It's no good, I just can't do any more of those "Hi y'all, Ima brand new chicky momma an I just love all my little cuties" introduction posts.:rant:rolleyes:
:barnie :hugs
I’m highly seasoned - though more attention to personal hygiene may sort that :p
Just don't get OVER seasond..:sick:lau
Shouldn't let chickens play on it
X2 :lau
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Hi Pond puddlers

Hope you all are having a safe and productive last day of meteorological winter. The freeze/thaw is continuing up here in frozen toes land. At least the cycle keeps the mud under control until the frost gets out of the ground, someday.
The birds are loving it. They've actually been out in the yard the past two days following me around as we attempt to move some of the snow away from the areas where we're attempting to limit the flooding. So far we've been pretty successful, mostly. This is always an incredibly hectic time of year for me. Moving snow away from buildings without digging up the grass/plants underneath, digging out the inside of the house from under the piles of winter "inside" projects (many of which should have been done outside instead of on the kitchen table), cleaning and storing the winter gear now that we can get into the storage sheds again and checking for and fixing whatever the winter has done to whatever. All this needs to be squared away before the ground thaws and the real summer work begins. We've also managed to stack up a pile of doctor appointments (a total of 5 including my roadtrip to my oncology checkup) in the first 2 weeks of April. Got to make sure neither of us has any "surprises" as we get geared up for summer.
Oh, and then in the middle of all this his kids (he came with a rather large family) decided to throw dad/grandpa/greatgrandpa a surprise birthday party up here BUT no body actually lives up here so guess who got assigned the task of finding meeting hall big enough to hold everyone as close as possible to our place! And, I was given 3 weeks notice :barnie With a lot of prayer I pulled it off but it means I won't be able to travel south to Illinois for my granddaughter's wedding. That's ok, the stinker gave us less notice than his kids did and it falls within the same week (that's a whole other very long and crazy story). This birthday is a big one (he's got 10 yrs on me) and I'm glad that the kids are putting their own lives on hold to honor him. My daughter and family won't be able to make it because of the wedding, which is disappointing but they were all here not long ago and promised to return in the summer.
WOW!!! Didn't mean to write a novel! Sorry!!!! Better get back to work.
Parents were feeding them, but we had a nice warm spell, and they were spending more time off the nest, starting to wean the babies. They had spent a couple nights nearby them, but not in the nest with them. Temps dropped again and we dipped back below freezing (it’s 25F this morning!) and Sunday morning they were very cold.

I took a video of my first try bottle feeding. They are doing well with it now, and have gained weight really well. I took them to work with me yesterday :lol:

Hopefully it will be worth it when it’s done. Hang in there. :fl
Crazy creatures!

Glad you found them before they froze... and nice that it wasn't due to the parents being bad... just blindsided by bad weather.

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