Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Love it!
So that’s a sticker? “Be your own kind of beautiful”. I love it.

Dang it!
Better luck tomorrow. :hugs
Yep. . it's actually just a wall sticker. I forgot it wasn't a vinyl. I thought it was a vinyl when I ordered it but it wasn't :rolleyes:

I bought it for my dd she was always so down on herself and the way she looked :hmm
Amazon has tons of wall stickers and vinyls. . I love this one
Evening all!

Had a bit of a bad day today. Found my very expensive newly bought ko shamo pullet dead :( Not a thing visibly wrong with her. I think something wasn't quite right with her internally and had been that way from the start, since the day after she arrived she was acting very weak and odd, but I had chalked it up to shipping stress.

And my ko shamo hen has apparently been so stressed out from just being in the same room (and I do mean room, they have their own entire room in my workshop that they're loose in) with the stag that she was afraid to eat, and has been starving herself to death. So she's in the garage and is now voraciously eating feed. I expect she'll recover, but it makes it hard to breed her if just being with the stag makes her stop eating, ugh.

But! I am looking forward to the show tomorrow. Gonna be meeting another ko shamo breeder that I know from Facebook, so I'm sure we'll be chatting, and I hope to come home with a few new birds :) Got my crates ready and have my alarm set for bright and early.
So sorry for your loss!
Evening all!

Had a bit of a bad day today. Found my very expensive newly bought ko shamo pullet dead :( Not a thing visibly wrong with her. I think something wasn't quite right with her internally and had been that way from the start, since the day after she arrived she was acting very weak and odd, but I had chalked it up to shipping stress.

And my ko shamo hen has apparently been so stressed out from just being in the same room (and I do mean room, they have their own entire room in my workshop that they're loose in) with the stag that she was afraid to eat, and has been starving herself to death. So she's in the garage and is now voraciously eating feed. I expect she'll recover, but it makes it hard to breed her if just being with the stag makes her stop eating, ugh.

But! I am looking forward to the show tomorrow. Gonna be meeting another ko shamo breeder that I know from Facebook, so I'm sure we'll be chatting, and I hope to come home with a few new birds :) Got my crates ready and have my alarm set for bright and early.

That is just royally awful!!!

It didn't need restoring....I sold it when I couldn't ride it anymore.
I don't make phone calls.... my phone does everything else. I don't own a computer... or a camera.
But I probably send out 100 or more text a day.
And I have about 15000 songs on my phone.
I guess what I'm saying is my phone is where I live my life. Heck I'm here because of my phone. I see never used the computer version of BYC. Besides its my money I'll spend it how I like. Don't bust my butt around here helping everyone not to deserve to treat myself.

Yeah... I didn't want to upgrade and spend the money.... but I too spend a huge hunk of time on my phone... and the upgrade was enormous.

This new shiny phone is fantastic.
Good Sunday pond :frowI hate Huges net :mad:Looking for better just ain't none. Thought I'd pop in before I headed to the flea market . Think if I sell most everything today, I'll not go for a bit . That is if the people I've told I'd buy part of their flocks, don't get them caught and call me . It takes a lot to work a flea market with chickens and eggs . Bad enough just selling mine :thI some times feel like a rat on a wheel chasing cheese . You know catch a nibble but miss the big bite .:lauI went to a auction and don't even know what kind or how much junk I bought . I'll find out when I unload the boxes from the trailer . I went for a portable building and a little green house , Didn't get either one of those .The building was rotten and so was green house .:( My trailer is full and had to unload the truck to take Ben to McDonalds .I was sure all I was doing was scratching my head
.:lau :lauWorse I let DW pay the bill ,while I went to get the big truck . :idunno:frow:frow:frow:frow

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