Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Never had a V plow. A V plow would work fine on my lane; not so sure about on the parking pad only 6' from the house door, unless the "V" could be reversed.

I'm not familiar with a 4 way? Sounds expensive.
4 way just means.... Straight blade.... Up, down, left tilt, right tilt.
(A standard plow).
One of my old plows is just an old two way....(up-down) .... But you can manually tilt it.....(yeah..I don't think so...Tim).
4 way just means.... Straight blade.... Up, down, left tilt, right tilt.
(A standard plow).
One of my old plows is just an old two way....(up-down) .... But you can manually tilt it.....(yeah..I don't think so...Tim).
I have a 24" snow blower that will get the job done, eventually. Just a PITA having snow blowing back in your face when the wind changes, not to mention throwing gravel everywhere, even with the auger set high, or busting shear pins whenever a chunk of gravel gets stuck. Much nicer in the warm truck cab listening to country music.

Yeah, durn right I'm spoiled; I figure I've earned the right to be spoiled by now.
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4 way just means.... Straight blade.... Up, down, left tilt, right tilt.
(A standard plow).
One of my old plows is just an old two way....(up-down) .... But you can manually tilt it.....(yeah..I don't think so...Tim).
Now that you mention it, my first plow was manual tilt, & the truck it was on had lock-out hubs. Don't miss either of them.
Do the green beans with bacon and onions.

How do you make the cranberry sauce?
I'm looking for a good homemade recipe for @RUNuts , he is getting desperate.
Cranberry sauce is simple off the package instructions... as part of the liquid I use Orange juice... Then as the berries are pretty much popped I add in the Meyer lemon sliced... and quartered When its all done cooking the Lemon is as colorful as the cranberries and has given up its goodness to the sauce.

Cranberry sauce is simple off the package instructions... as part of the liquid I use Orange juice... Then as the berries are pretty much popped I add in the Meyer lemon sliced... and quartered When its all done cooking the Lemon is as colorful as the cranberries and has given up its goodness to the sauce.

Thanks Deb!

@RUNuts I haven't ever made this before but now I am confused why you need a recipe.
It seems pretty simple Mr.
Happy Friday, Pond! It’s a slacker day at school today. The drama dept. is doing several performances that are taking up most of the day. So pretty much the entire day is spent watching plays.
Have I mentioned that I walked 5 miles each way to school, uphill both ways, regardless of the weather? :gig
With wolves nipping at your heels?

I'd be happy to take a deer to a processor & save the hassle & mess out in the cold, & I've done it, as recently as last season, but that makes for some very expensive meat, and not much of it by the time they discard so much of it. I took one to a processor years ago & everything I got back was in a single grocery bag.
DH and I, along with his sister and BIL process all of our deer. The guys quarter them, bring the parts in the kitchen and we cut roasts and chops and trim burger meat.

That's the only thing a processor has going for them; whatever you get back is wrapped, marked, & frozen hard. It takes us, with the help of SIL & BIL, most of a day to get all the usable meat deboned, cut up, packaged & labeled, plus whatever we grind up.
We have 4 deer to process tomorrow. It will take a good part of the day.
Morning Ponders!!!

Our season begins Saturday morning. How is it you guys are processing by yourselves? Dh comes and gets me to help him drag it out. We hang it in the garage where he skins it before it freezes then it hangs for a few days. (we donate the hide) Next he quarters it. One quarter at a time is brought in, gets flopped onto the kitchen table and we have at it. Then it's my job to bag and label. Tenderloin for dinner of course, the rest out to the freezer. Clean up and repeat. (Usually the next day). Notice we don't cut thru the bones. Everyone around here does the "no boning" butcher method. All done easy peasy no hurry. When finished we put the ribcage and other scraps out in the middle of our field for the eagles. I can't imagine any females that actually live up here not knowing how to process a deer. Doubt we will process this year tho unless someone shares one with us. Pa's knees are shot and he's finally given up hunting himself, he just supports the boys when they come. (At least that's what he says so far)

Congrats on the anniversary. Aren't we fortunate to find spouses that could put up with us for so long? :cool: :p
Sorry to hear you're still fighting the cough. Hope it leaves you soon.
Sounds like you process like we do. Tenderloin for lunch or supper on processing day for sure! We don’t skin our deer until the day we butcher - their theory is, it keeps the meat from drying out.

An 85 y.o. lady DW knew at Church fell in the tub Sunday. Hospital said nothing was broken, just badly bruised. One of her "bad bruises" was two broken ribs, one of which punctured a lung, abdomen filled with blood, & she died yesterday, leaving behind a grown Down's Syndrome daughter she took care of.
Oh, how very, very sad!


Yay!!! :yaWe can eat pie in our pj's & have stuffing & coffee for bfast :wee
Count me in!

So awful. Sorry to hear that. :hit

I thought you'd never come back!:hit:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
Let's see. .
Natalie and pyxis got pigeons.
Capricorn got an insurance paid face lift
Alaskan and family are freezing to death no-one wants to fill the wood stove.
Sour is keeping busy with the usual sour stuff. . can't think of specifics at the moment :hmm

Byc910 is in and out. He doesn't have enough Wi-Fi to be here long. Seems to be feeling a bit better though.
Room has had a nightmare on elm street ordeal. . she bought a new washing machine that wouldn't get anything clean. . her blankets smelled like Sasquatch and home depot refused to take it back. .
She finally got it exchanged after weeks of torment.
Lisas daughter moved back so she gets to see them now woot! That was Great news. She is also freezing to death.
Chicki still amuses us daily with her stories and her memes she posts. Cracks me up daily. I think she finally had to start wearing socks.
Perchie might get her bypass surgery soon if I read that right. :celebrateBut . . She is still jumping through hoops. She also started a thread to show off her awesome jewelry.
Hum . .that's all I can think of.
Oh. . Phil is a bit under the weather but is looking forward to ice fishing. If he don't freeze to death first.
Whites is having trouble with his dang log splitter again :he

Oh. . and I had snow! And little minnow is over two months old now. View attachment 1591182 View attachment 1591183
Awesome recap, Shaw!

Okay, now I must go to bed. Early morning grading waits for no one. Hugs all around. Be back soon!
Hugs to you too, Orr!

Well I hope you are wrong.... Too many good people leave.... But I know I haven't seen her in a while. Hope I can get in touch to wish her a happy anniversary.
.....I usually process my deer right away. Depending on the weather.
I spent a week doing it this time. But it was cold outside. And I left it hang on my cherry picker.
I made a nice like deer hanger this year. Guess I'm really glad to have the time and ability to fabricate things.
Today I need to go out and cut the bed off my plow truck so I can get down to the frame and do some repairs work.
Just want to weld a patch in an area that is rusted out.
She is taking a break. She got spanked a few too many times for speaking bluntly which caused hurt feelings.

That really sucks.... My friends mom fell a few weeks ago.... She was 90.
She broke her hip. She didn't make it either.
It's strange how a simple broken hop can kill you..... And honestly you don't have to be old....I have seen a few 60 year olds die from broken hips.
Although they probably weren't very healthy I suppose.
It seems that trauma in the elderly can be fatal more often than not.

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