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Sorry I flooded the pond with tears today. One more thing then back to our regularly scheduled program. . .
My dad text me Howards eulogy :old

Howard the duck was a brave little lad, he tried to protect his girls from those that are bad. He will be remembered as a mighty duck, who fought a fox without any luck.
He sounds like quite a character! And he rhymes too. I'm really glad Howard had a good day yesterday. And really, you gave him such a great life!
Predators stink, and I mourn each attack... And then I plan what new bird I can get as a replacement.:oops: Terrible, I know.
Now you all know where I get my weird sense of humor. Lol!
I told him I posted his poem on here the last time and he told me to make sure you all know that he is a big tough guy. . not just a little scrawny sappy poet. ;) lol.
Sorry I flooded the pond with tears today. One more thing then back to our regularly scheduled program. . .
My dad text me Howards eulogy :old

Howard the duck was a brave little lad, he tried to protect his girls from those that are bad. He will be remembered as a mighty duck, who fought a fox without any luck.
I love it! Of course your dad is a big tough guy. ;)
He actually is lol. If you met him you would never believe he would say anything like that :lau
Soprry about Howard :hugs:hugs:hugs So they named Guns and Roses for your Dad ??He's also the one that said his daughter raised ducks to make up for all the ones he killed wasn't he ?
Doctor put me on a low dose of blood pressure medicine today . Said my low side was to high . And maybe it would help me . :idunnoWants me to do it for eight weeks.Then have more blood work and check me out again .:idunnoStill thinks all my problems are stress related :idunnoSpent the after noon shopping with DW . Then took the grand kids play ball . Also watched Oliver . But I ain't the least little bit tired:th:th:th:th:th:lau So I'm going to bed just cause I want to .;) Eye doctor tomorrow morning .
How'd your hatch go? Or is it still going?


not a good percentage, but some had been in the fridge for awhile, and some had been old.

Ended up with only 2 from the blue bantam, both black... going to have to try her eggs again... and I have been forgetting to collect them :rolleyes: I had 6 in the bator, but I think a couple had been in the fridge and were old... I should have written on the eggs.

Ah well.

Only other eggs in there were Ams... again lots of those were old and from fridge... only 2 of those hatched ..... and I got 10 or so Spitz. My black Spitz girl just died, and 2 that hatched are from her... super hoping 1 is a girl. Then I have 3 that will end up gold with black dots, and the rest creamy lighter gold with white spots.

So, good job spitz! :ya Oh, I only have 1 girl that is gold with black dots, so nice that she gave me 3 chicks.
Long day ahead!
Mom's supposed to have surgery today. I'm a little iffy about this... not sure operating on an 85 year old with a drug resistant infection, whose heart has been crazy arrhythmic right up until yesterday, is such a terrific idea. :hmm
At least the drive will be pretty.
And hopefully the family will take good care of the backyard hooligans.

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