Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank


This is one I was looking at but it doesn’t say a lot about shipping. So I’ll have to call or something.
yep... sounds good.

And I thought you couldn't legally ship dry ice? :confused:

Sure no one is close to you? Maybe ask the vet who is doing the AI. Maybe he/she has the shipping container that you can borrow, and ship to the far away company to get the semen shipped back...
I guess you sold me. :D But really, even a quick google search still finds many comments on both sides. I choose to believe the medical journals and specific vet tests that showed it takes a pretty high dose to be harmful.... even more to be fatal.

I actually just read one that went so far as to say it could even be beneficial!
All things in moderation.

Dang guys more misadventures for Phil today.

It started when we drive to the little Garlic River and it was loaded with fisherman..... So my buddy Mark thought it would be a good idea to cut across to the Huron river..... That was a 36 mile journey across the AAA road.... Basically a not much more than a two track..... We were already 25 Miles from town on a back road as it was.......
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