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I'd like everyone to see what has been occupying my time , my 2 beautiful grandbabies moved back home from Arizona and we're living with me for a few months and I incubated a single hatchling who has become my side kick. So between the grand babies and duck, I have had my hands full!


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I'd like everyone to see what has been occupying my time , my 2 beautiful grandbabies moved back home from Arizona and we're living with me for a few months and I incubated a single hatchling who has become my side kick. So between the grand babies and duck, I have had my hands full!
Sweet pics. :love it's great having the grands around isn't it? Handful tho they are..Lol
I used to have a bunch..... I know @superchemicalgirl has em

So there I was, swore off the thread... and y'all suck me back in.

That one is easy.... ONce they OPEN their mouths.... Buckweat is what the girls say.... Over and Over and over.... Some say it sounds like Butt Crack....... the boys are a bit quieter in general... Kind of like squeeky hinges...

I could tell even as chicks there was a girl in the flock because out of all the peeps in there the girls would Say PeepPeep .... But it gets better defined as they get older.

Technically you are supposed to be able to tell by their wattles a bit more red for boys... But dang there is so much Diversity you can onlly really tell by their voice.


I have 9 guinea hens. Sounds like I have 90 of them.

Sounds to me like the girls say "Tikrit" but then again they listen to talk/news radio all day, so perhaps that's just a natural outcome of that kind of upbringing.

Guineafowl are like autistic fowl that have also managed to get into the amphetamines. They really, really like routine. Let's say, for example, that the season changes and therefore your attire changes. It's like High Alert for Stranger Danger.

God forbid you actually have a stranger come lock them up. BF's mom used to spot me on Thursday nights when BF was on late shift so I could go to class. That ended after I got guineas. The guineas were so freaked out that a new person was trying to lock them up (and of course was doing it all wrong) that they flew over the 6 foot fence and ran around the woods until I came home and had to yell for CrazyNeighborLady to come over and help me at least chase them into the run so they wouldn't die overnight.

And don't try to touch them. I rue the day I have to delouse them.

Yet, they're obnoxiously cute. When not spooked, they scurry around the run like little beeping beetles. They also keep my 50 lb jerk toms in check. The toms try to come after me and the guineas will jump on their backs and run them off.


kids found a sea of maggots in the bottom of our trash box.

Score! Free protein.

For the birds.
It's weird how defensive people get of fermented feed. I'm in a thread where the OP said they were getting weird results when trying to ferment, so I warned them to be careful, because FF done wrong can kill.

People have now showed up saying that they think it's more likely to find mold in a bag of dry feed than for wet FF to mold when left out (err, what) and that because of that dry feed is more dangerous than fermented feed, that FF doesn't take much time and they just can't understand how it could take more time and labor than someone is willing to expend, etc.
It's weird how defensive people get of fermented feed. I'm in a thread where the OP said they were getting weird results when trying to ferment, so I warned them to be careful, because FF done wrong can kill.

People have now showed up saying that they think it's more likely to find mold in a bag of dry feed than for wet FF to mold when left out (err, what) and that because of that dry feed is more dangerous than fermented feed, that FF doesn't take much time and they just can't understand how it could take more time and labor than someone is willing to expend, etc.


I can't give advice as much as I used to....the lack of any logic or common sense makes me rip my hair out. :mad:

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