Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Picture of Bandit playing with his cousin Aspen over the weekend. No dogs were harmed in the filming of this play session (one of many dozens over the long weekend)
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Aspen is eight months old, Bandit is three months.
I've noticed so many doves around me lately, and very young ones! I'd love to have some. They fly so beautifully.
A long time ago, a parent of one of my elementary students gave me a mated pair and we raised them in the class. When I left that school, I gave them to another teacher. But, in the (cough, 20+) years that have passed since then, I had forgotten how friendly they are. This little one is just part of our family now. I do wish it had a mate, or a friend though, for when we are not home.
View attachment 1130551 I have tons of doves that visit my yard and bird feeders. I luv them. . . they scare the chit outta the ducks sometimes though lol. They try to land on the ground right along side them!
Looks like my little "Mudpie"! (When we first found it, we gave it oatmeal and it would get it all over its face.)
:frow Mornin' all. I think I woke feeling relatively normal, but after reading back, I'm positively grumpy - it never rains, but it pours, on the pond :(

Sleep well, Shaws
Ya. . it's kinda been a gloomy evening. My hubby came home in a bad mood too. Work stuff. Even the tv show I watched tonight made me cry. Hope things look better for everyone in the am.
Ya. . it's kinda been a gloomy evening. My hubby came home in a bad mood too. Work stuff. Even the tv show I watched tonight made me cry. Hope things look better for everyone in the am.
One o' dem days... I quite like being a grumpy, miserable git, but it's gotta be on my own terms - not induced by other's stress / suffering. Gonna have to be big boy and suck it up today :D

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