Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

He was booked at the casino here just before he died too. He was one guy I wanted to go see. I have seen Glenn Campbell a couple times. He was great.
Merle had a son, Marty, that I saw perform once; he sure had Merle's talent, but I don't think he ever made it big.
Taylor Something?...... Yea he is trying to make a carreer without working too hard....

Same as that Haun,,or Han..the Asian guy that could not carry a tune in a bushel basket.... He has some weird travel show, that tries to teach us to be tolerant of the lazy,,,
That's him! Never did like him, & couldn't see why they put him up.
I think the Asian just got on the show for laughs; he certainly wasn't talented by any stretch. I saw better than him who never even got a chance to compete.
Worst thing that ever happened to that show was The Voice; there's some real talent there.
AI's coming back; figured that much before it ever went away.
Sorry to hear it. :( My "in person" friendship pool ebbs and flows. Sometimes because of my own introverted tendencies. It is kind of nice living in a time when there's a way to still be social, but not have to clean the house - or even get out of pajamas - to have a conversation.
Oooh I like this.... I like this alot.....
So my goats are a bit pouty this morning, I'm currently cutting back their grain to just evening. They don't need it twice a day anymore, the babies are big n healthy and they've plenty of brows till winter. I'm planning to have the one I'm milking dried off by then.
Seems the older I get the faster winter returns and the more dread it!
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