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Yep, Kissing a dux is the same as a kiss of death...Problems solved in seconds..
byc cant hear.gif
Anyone remember the prematurely grey-haired guy who won American Idol several years ago, whose career never really took off?
I see he has a show on the cooking channel now :confused:

Taylor Something?...... Yea he is trying to make a carreer without working too hard....

Same as that Haun,,or Han..the Asian guy that could not carry a tune in a bushel basket.... He has some weird travel show, that tries to teach us to be tolerant of the lazy,,,
The last performance of Glen Campbell on the ACM awards was great, but they said he had to have monitors all over for him to read the words..BUT he seemed to remember the melody to play the guitar just fine..

I think it is amazing the way Alzheimers patients can carry a melody and music without being able to even speak,

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