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I'm watching wheel of fortune with DW this evening and the puzzle was Beavers and Retrievers and I busted out :lau she wanted to know what was so funny . I just thought that If I was a dog that would be the kind of dog I would be .:confused: A beaver retriever it just made sense to me :confused:.
I'm watching season 2 of Fargo......I speak the language........ Eh?
News flash, i almost forgot. For those that remember our dear friend Turk, she's gonna be a mommy!! :wee

How wonderful!!!!! :woot

:flShe is such a sweetheart I'll pray ever day for her and her baby . :yesss:


Toads are my own breed of meat birds.

They are huge birds, The roosters will dress out at 15-17 pounds.
Yes, they still walk, run and do chicken things..

View attachment 1108507

View attachment 1108514 View attachment 1108515
View attachment 1108512 ...Above turkey on the left,.Toad on the right.View attachment 1108511

Two baby toads next to a DOM baby, all are same age

:drool How old are they when you harvest and can I buy some hatching eggs from you next year?
They will be 15 pounds at around 15-16 weeks. They are full grown around 16-18 weeks and still tender and juicy.

I have a whole thread on them. The eggs do not ship well. I do not get a great hatch rate with them and shipping just knocks them in the teeth.

I have a waiting list for birds, but I do have 6-7 flocks out there now of people selling them, besides myself. The idea is to have a self-sustaining meat bird.
Evening all, I'm a bit behind here on the Pond. I spent a lot of the day with my mom. We went shopping and found some things for the funeral. I also got fabric to make a chicken diaper since I couldn't find my bin of fabric - has been misplaced during the move and hasn't turned back up yet. So I might take a crack at making a pattern for the diaper tonight.

Have you looked to see if he is selling them on CL or FB? Or do you think he just wants them for himself? PM me his name, I'll do some digging.
I mean looking for sale ads, but the earth type of digging may come later. :lol:

Sorry for the birds, but you probably did better by leaving and letting your dad handle it.

I have been watching Craigslist - I check it almost daily - and haven't seen them posted. If he thinks he's gonna make major money on two mixed breed chicks he's in for a shock, lol. Don't know if they made it through the night because, of course, when my Dad was going to go over there to talk to him suddenly he actually wasn't around today and won't be home during an afternoon until Sunday. So now we have to wait until then to talk to him about the whole situation.

He's probably not gonna be happy, because my father will be informing him that those chicks are now his deal and he's not to try to put them back out with my flock when they get too large to be in the house. I don't want them near my birds after they've been living in the house with his menagerie of pet store birds who have heaven knows what.

And of course he's gonna get an earful about the rest of what went down, too.
Always love the drafts... can't wait to see your daughters clean house in the poultry section... :D ;)


Easy for a round Call to fit... :D

Cree has those... or did... I think she sold them all off... flighty buggers...

I'm looking forward to it too! Although it didn't seem like there was a ton of competition.

Toads are my own breed of meat birds.

They are huge birds, The roosters will dress out at 15-17 pounds.
Yes, they still walk, run and do chicken things..

View attachment 1108507

View attachment 1108514 View attachment 1108515
View attachment 1108512 ...Above turkey on the left,.Toad on the right.View attachment 1108511

Two baby toads next to a DOM baby, all are same age

Those things look huge! That's awesome!

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