Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

who cares about the ducks..........?!?

my, what pretty..........fingernails you have.......
And such nice rings - I noticed too.
dang, I missed the rings.......
And such a pretty necklace too.
That braid is very nicely done.
heck, guess I'll have to go back and look at it again.......
Would that shirt color be considered peach?
I went back and stared intently at the shirt.......I am not sure if it's peach, or apricot.....you know how us guys are with colors.....

I think I see part of a cute chin?
Sure looks peachy to me - ripe Georgia peach.


Thanks, pond pervs. I needed a good laugh!!
I wasn't gonna say a word, cause I didn't see nothing but a duck.

(I don't know WHAT those boys were looking at...)
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I'm growing my tomatoes and peppers in the back room..... It's unheated so they are growing slow. With purple stems. Kind of like they are prehardend off.
While I was down visiting my kids though my daughter didn't keep the cat away. And she ate some of my pepper and egg plants.... But with a little TLC I should be able to salvage most of them
I'm growing my tomatoes and peppers in the back room..... It's unheated so they are growing slow. With purple stems. Kind of like they are prehardend off.
While I was down visiting my kids though my daughter didn't keep the cat away. And she ate some of my pepper and egg plants.... But with a little TLC I should be able to salvage most of them
Ummmm...this is a gardening term of some sort??
I'm growing my tomatoes and peppers in the back room..... It's unheated so they are growing slow. With purple stems. Kind of like they are prehardend off.

While I was down visiting my kids though my daughter didn't keep the cat away. And she ate some of my pepper and egg plants.... But with a little TLC I should be able to salvage most of them

been meaning to share these with you and dan......

a little peak into what I got going on at the house......
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