Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Oh, yeah, Phil - we have seen the light and are on the straight and narrow pathway of good behavior.
Speak for yourself.

the dunce number, I'm assuming?


Wait a minute... You guys stay out of trouble..... Never gonna happen...

Been working on my garden fence all morning. New bolt cutters work really well, but they are heavy and I don't have the arm strength I used to. Then I noticed that the last two railroad ties were really crooked (probably been there 20 years) so I decided to move them. Of course, I had dig them out and used the wrecking bar that is taller than I am to budge them, and that sucker is really, really heavy!

Decided to come in and do some desk work to recover.

Friday, you work too hard. Just reading this made me tired & achy!
Which reminds me... next Saturday, April 29th is our one year anniversary, since the grand opening of our lovely Pond. 

I think a celebration will be in order.    :bun

I will definitely be celebrating....cause it's Mrs. Oz's and my anniversary!

Hey Oz! Hope things go well with Pops!

Thanks! He's a trooper!

Was mowing lawn today and noticed a couple of male cowbirds going at it on the ground by the feeder.  Went by there as I finished and noted that they were still 'fighting'.  On a closer look only one was fighting - he had killed the other bird and was still attacking the body.  Testosterone can sure do strange things.

Wow! Never knew songbirds fighting to the death. Must be a Jersey thing.
I will definitely be celebrating....cause it's Mrs. Oz's and my anniversary!
Thanks! He's a trooper!
Wow! Never knew songbirds fighting to the death. Must be a Jersey thing.

Hey, Oz, Happy Anniversary

Good on your Dad.

Must be a Jersey thing. I spend a lot of time outdoors, and have never seen a bird fight to the death. The survivor was still beating the heck out of the dead bird. I put the dead bird on top of the outdoor garbage container. The Princess was painting a couple of outdoor tables. When she went to put the trash from that in the container, she saw the dead bird and freaked. In trouble again.
My first AC chick of the season hatched today, and is also this roosters' first offspring, so I was eager to see what he's throwing. I'm fairly happy. The chick is all black. Middle toenails could be a little darker, but they'll darken as the chick grows. Not a bad showing for a first chick. Looks like this rooster might be throwing nice chicks. I've got more chicks coming soon so we'll see if that holds up.

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