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Is that to make sure education and follow up/best practice are followed to help prevent readmissions? that would be a cool job! Only because i love the heart so much!
I could do without the charts

Yes, Medical history, order sets, education, ACE/ARB/ARNI, beta blockers, anticoagulants, follow-up appointments, etc, etc Lots of data to collect. They are supposed to be converting to EPIC later this year, so we'll see how that goes.
It sucks that you have to go to "their" docs.... you dont have the right to Get a second opinion from someone you know and trust....


It sucks that you have to go to "their" docs.... you dont have the right to Get a second opinion from someone you know and trust....

Its been terrible. i have an apt on 4/11. I will know more then. I hope he will at least get a bone scan on me. they have denied me a second opinion. i would have been so much better off getting hurt at home
I would have copays but none of this garbage!
Yes, Medical history, order sets, education, ACE/ARB/ARNI, beta blockers, anticoagulants, follow-up appointments, etc, etc Lots of data to collect. They are supposed to be converting to EPIC later this year, so we'll see how that goes.
I was an epic superuser when we converted 3 years ago. It has some nice features. hardest thing was getting docs to put in orders and reconcile meds for discharge-especially after hours. they were all given ipads and told they had to enter orders not us. yeaaahhh that went well

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