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That's crazy! Sorry you are still going through this. Vasospasms?

I'd be frustrated, too.
thats what they are thinking but not sure why although the comp dr brought up rsd again....
I got a Tens unit. Helps distract me from the pain but I can only wear it for 20 minutes or my skin feels like it is burning. So far rest elevation heat and soaking it are my best friends.
@FridayYet did you start the new job?

@RavynFallen how are you feeling

@WVduckchick sorry about the serama chick

I did, started Monday. I'm abstracting charts for Get With The Guidelines - Heart Failure for a hospital in Nevada. My cardiology is quite rusty and all the new drugs are a lot to learn, but I'll get it eventually. (Their medical records system sucks though, so it takes a long time to slog through the charts.)
I did, started Monday. I'm abstracting charts for Get With The Guidelines - Heart Failure for a hospital in Nevada. My cardiology is quite rusty and all the new drugs are a lot to learn, but I'll get it eventually. (Their medical records system sucks though, so it takes a long time to slog through the charts.)
Is that to make sure education and follow up/best practice are followed to help prevent readmissions? that would be a cool job! Only because i love the heart so much!
I could do without the charts

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