Weird slow crop issue - looking for advice


Jan 1, 2022
Newhall, California
Morning All!
I am looking for some input on a 1.5 yo Dark Brahma with some strange crop issues. My whole flock was wormed about a month with Safeguard (5 nights, then again at Day 10). She had what I thought was an impacted crop(not emptying at night, drinking tons of water, watery diarrhea). I treated that and she almost seemed to develop sour crop(squishy, no odor) which I treated with miconazole. I took her to the vet at the end of Week 2 and x-rays revealed nothing. Vet palpated thoroughly and did a full checkup and said she looked great but underweight. No sour crop, no impaction but she prescribed Oxytet since Campylobacter fit the symptoms. I'm tubefeeding CriticalCare because she is not eating enough. Her crop is very slow to empty (still full in the morning until I massage it). Other than not laying(understandably), she is acting pretty normal, running around, foraging, dirtbathing, etc... She looks better than 2 week ago but I'm at a loss to get the crop moving better. Advice?
I am looking for some input on a 1.5 yo Dark Brahma with some strange crop issues. My whole flock was wormed about a month with Safeguard (5 nights, then again at Day 10). She had what I thought was an impacted crop(not emptying at night, drinking tons of water, watery diarrhea). I treated that and she almost seemed to develop sour crop(squishy, no odor) which I treated with miconazole.

Her crop is very slow to empty (still full in the morning until I massage it). Other than not laying(understandably), she is acting pretty normal, running around, foraging, dirtbathing, etc... She looks better than 2 week ago but I'm at a loss to get the crop moving better.
Did she have worms?

A crop that is slow to empty is a symptom. Whether that's because there is an impaction or another underlying condition, it's often hard to know. She's not been laying eggs, so something reproductive could be going on. Infection, worms, Coccidiosis and reproductive problems can slow the digestive process.

I'd begin addressing the symptoms according to the article linked below. See that she's drinking well and eating her normal feed. Do provide grit (crushed granite) free choice.

If you have photos of her and her poop, those may be helpful.
Did she have worms?

A crop that is slow to empty is a symptom. Whether that's because there is an impaction or another underlying condition, it's often hard to know. She's not been laying eggs, so something reproductive could be going on. Infection, worms, Coccidiosis and reproductive problems can slow the digestive process.

I'd begin addressing the symptoms according to the article linked below. See that she's drinking well and eating her normal feed. Do provide grit (crushed granite) free choice.

If you have photos of her and her poop, those may be helpful.
Thank you Wyorp Rock.

They always have free choice grit & calcium and I had wormed everybody in early July with Safeguard after finding a roundworm in droppings. I'm going to worm them again because I don't have much to lose after weeks of crop massages, antibiotics, tube feeding & supplements.
Thank you Wyorp Rock.

They always have free choice grit & calcium and I had wormed everybody in early July with Safeguard after finding a roundworm in droppings. I'm going to worm them again because I don't have much to lose after weeks of crop massages, antibiotics, tube feeding & supplements.
Did she recover after being wormed again? I ask at this late date since I am currently going through a very similar situation. Gone through coconut oil, miconazole treatment, and now deworming again. Brought her inside Dec 29 and it has been a daily effort since without improvement. TIA

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