Weird eggs!


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
Look at these weird eggs from one of my ameraucanas! She's a new layer - will these get more normal shaped? They’re also pretty small. Is this typical for the breed? My easter egger who is part ameraucana and is about the same size as my pure ameraucanas lays huge, round eggs!
I'd say it's normal! All hens eggs will be small at first give it a week or two, you'll notice a big difference. Sometimes my girls will start with ovel shaped eggs but they become normal in time.😁 Congrats on new layers!
Weird how?
They look fine to me.

Can't tell how big or small they are.
Need something in the pic for scale, or take pic on a scale.
They’re just very pointy! As for size, here they are next to what I’d consider a “normal” sized egg (i.e. similar to a grocery store large egg)
They’re just very pointy! As for size, here they are next to what I’d consider a “normal” sized egg (i.e. similar to a grocery store large egg)View attachment 3743620
Hello, there!
I also have an Americauna that is new to laying. She lays an egg about that size, but less pointy. I'd also say that it's normal and that it'll go away over time.
They’re just very pointy! As for size, here they are next to what I’d consider a “normal” sized egg (i.e. similar to a grocery store large egg)View attachment 3743620
Some birds lay rounder eggs than's more of an 'individual' thing than a breed thing.
Pullet eggs can take days or weeks or months to get up to their 'normal' size.
My CLB lay pointier, smaller eggs even at 3-4 years old.

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