Weird Chicken Behavior?


Oct 4, 2021
Okay, so my sister has been having mysterious chicken deaths… they are FINE one day, and gone the next… this has happened to several. They are thinking possibly coccidiosis… but on a totally different note, as of today, an entire pen of chickens, out in the run, about 2 months old, we’re huddled together like they were cold! This was about 2 pm, heat of the day in Alabama… there’s no way they were cold. They didn’t appear sickly, and when messed with, they COULD move and would when prompted, but would then immediately huddle back together?! Why on earth would they do this? And is there any other suggestions about the mysterious deaths of the others? They have lost SEVERAL birds in the last week or so, one or two at a time. No blood in the poop that they’ve noticed. Nothing abnormal. They seem fine, and then they just pass. Any answers or suggestions for either case, we’re listening! Have a blessed day, and thanks in advance
Updated to add that they have access to non-gmo food from the local feed store, and they free range during the day.
Currently drinking ACV/ garlic water with fresh water also available.
No blood in the poop that they’ve noticed.
Only one or two of the 9-11 strains of coccidia known to effect poultry may present as blood in droppings.. all others will not present that specific symptom.

on a totally different note, as of today, an entire pen of chickens, out in the run, about 2 months old, we’re huddled together like they were cold! This was about 2 pm, heat of the day in Alabama… there’s no way they were cold.
Sounds like a possible predator sighting or visit.. that's the only time I've had chicks huddled for NO reason. Safety in numbers!

And is there any other suggestions about the mysterious deaths of the others?
If another passes.. refrigerate and get a necropsy done by the state lab contact info in following (3rd party but easy for me to find) link..

Other direct links that may be useful..
The fee list indicates that it's free (plus $10 fee) to backyard keepers..
Only one or two of the 9-11 strains of coccidia known to effect poultry may present as blood in droppings.. all others will not present that specific symptom.

Sounds like a possible predator sighting or visit.. that's the only time I've had chicks huddled for NO reason. Safety in numbers!

If another passes.. refrigerate and get a necropsy done by the state lab contact info in following (3rd party but easy for me to find) link..

Other direct links that may be useful..
The fee list indicates that it's free (plus $10 fee) to backyard keepers..
This is SO helpful, thank you so much!!! I just sent her all of these links!

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