Week by week photos of a Muscovy duckling...weeks 5, 6 and now week 7 included



10 Years
Jul 7, 2009

After hours of searching the web I couldn't find any one place that showed the same Muscovy duckling growing up.
I have no idea what the sex is at this moment in time...in 4 weeks or so I am hoping to know.

I thought I'd post week by week photos.

This may help others with thier similar ducking questions.


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Week 5:

Some sign of feathers on tail.
Still peeping like a happy duckling...no sign of any hissing.

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Week 6:

Still peeping like a happy duckling, still no hissing
Feathers on tail are well underway and she starting to get white feathers on her belly and more so "under" her wings.
The "feathers" coming from her wings are prickley near the base.

I have included a ruler, a 3 yr old bantam cochin and my girlfriends hands into a photo to compare sizes.

Week 7: (sorry 2 days late)

Yes this is the same duck...although it doesn't look like it.

Feathers coming through strong. Underside is all white and shes lost all her yellow fluff.
Feathers on wing are well under way...even her flight feathers....female?! Next week her flight feathers will be bigger than her upper wing feathers are now.
Her back and head are not feathered and are still bown/black duckling fluff.
She happily peeps at things like ducklings do and she made her 1st hissing noise the other day when play fighting with a racoon hand puppet. I loved the way her chin inflated like a frog :)
She's not grown that much since 9 days ago...maybe a few inches in length.

As you can see her stance is very narrow and her feet "overlap"...he chest is pointy and her belly is definately curved.

...and as a size guide here's one with her with my White Campbell, Appleyard Runner, Cucko Marrans, RIR, Lavendar Bantam Cochin and a 5 week old Lemon Millefleur Sablepoot.


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Adorable! well, the hissing wouldn't be there it's too young, you should hear my 3mth olds.. they can barely.. get a hiss out, and yeah they are most definitely drakes.

The height of the leg leans me to drakelet... i'll see if i can find a pic of the single baby we had back in may.. isn't he cute? sadly, somebody killed him(likely a loose dog, not ours) but he most certainly grew into a drake..

Here is my June hatch, i got one! duck the rest are drakes see the height of those legs? The duck in the middle is obviously an adult, and the little chocolate one in the back is the lone ducklet. Just looked it up, these guys were 7wks in this pic give or take..

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I am not sure GQ, I know you have had more experience since you've had more drakes but standing beside a 3yr old bantam at 6 weeks old makes me think duck. The legs are pretty thick though, but my last duck who is 14 weeks old now has pretty thick legs for a girl. Humm
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8 weeks for my female here

Thats what I am talking about her legs look nice and sturdy. My youngest is like that also, must come from good big stock. LOL My older Muscovies have real girly legs the lastest ones to hatch have thicker legs. By the way she is beautiful.
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Thats what I am talking about her legs look nice and sturdy. My youngest is like that also, must come from good big stock. LOL My older Muscovies have real girly legs the lastest ones to hatch have thicker legs. By the way she is beautiful.
That's Macy Miss Lydia! :) She was so cute.
She's a big girl now and threatening broodiness for the third time this year. I thought the season would be over by now! She was raised by a broody though last year at this time.
She has very thick canckles. I was struggling for the longest time with her gender. I had nothing to compare her to. She also seems very bow-legged, but gets around no problem.
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