We found a pigeon without a scalp in the garden. What should we do?


Aug 21, 2022
We found a bird with a lame left foot and a closed eye. What kind of treatment should we apply? I apologize for my bad english.


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Hello! Clean his eye and head wound with saline and then apply Neosporin. Do that three times a day for first three days then do twice a day for a couple of days.. And then once a day for another couple of days.

Give it sweetened water to drink to help with shock. You could also add a crushed b complex pill into the water for an energy boost.
Poor thing. He probably got attacked by a cat or another predator.

I agree with @SmiYa0126. Use a saline solution and gently cleans his wounds and then apply Neosporin. Do this a few times a day. As far as his leg, he could have sprained, broken, or dislocated it.

Try and make him as comfortable as you can. Put him in a box in a dark, quiet room where he can recover. Give him a sugar water mixture for him to drink. It will help with the shock and give him a boost.

If you can, find a rescue center to take him to. Best of luck.
How did the pigeon do? Sorry I just saw this post. Those kinds of wounds heal surprising well with Neosporin.
They need to eat birdseed mix & regular water daily. Unflavored Pedialyte with water is better than sugar water.
Hope you got the bird some help. If it was still young (not fully feathered under wings) then it is a youngster & may need some handfeeding formula, too. I've seen this happen when a young pigeon goes over to another older pigeon's space. They'll peck an intruding pigeon so it will go away, but sometimes the youngsters just cowered & try to huddle under the older adult instead of leaving, so then the adult gets mad & keeps pecking...I know, kinda nasty behavior, you'd think they'd communicate better & just tell the kid, hey this is not your nest box, get the heck out. Anyway, it happens, but it can heal, might just have a bald spot there.
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