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Ugh, I think someone was listening when I said that we could afford to build the coop and get nice birds. Our dog is spending the night in the ER tonight.
She has been examined by a neurologist, and the diagnosis is vestibular disease (nasty-bad vertigo), most likely from a stroke or brain tumor. Hooray. If it's a stroke, she'll be our second greyhound to have one. If it's a brain tumor, that would at least be new. (We lost our first two greyhounds to bone cancer at ages 6 and 11.) She turns 13 this month, so she's reached a ripe old age for a large dog. She's already showing signs of improvement, and we are hoping that by tomorrow she will be ready to come home. We'll have to make an appointment at her regular vet for a follow up and some blood work to see of she needs to go on medication to prevent blood clots or anything else. (She's already on meds for seizures and incontinence!) With all that, she will probably be right around our average price tag for a greyhound emergency: $1,000.

Time to start pinching pennies. *sigh*


Ouch! That's a lot of money! I'm so sorry. I hope your dog pulls through.
Well, my BF said tonight that he wanted to build the new coop to commemorate our first anniversary because we both love the chickens so much! He even said we should sign our names on it together. Like others here, my man can tell how happy our chickens make me and how much more enjoyable his life is for it too.


Aww, that's unfortunate, poor dear. What breed is she? Was she the only one getting bullied?

Really? Where did you hear that? Just curious as I had not heard it before.

I think I figured it, because of the sexed bantams chicks and the identical stock. During a radio interview, I asked in chat, the owner of MPC what hatchery he orders from, and he didn't respond.
I have no idea who is laying eggs these days and it's driving my OCD bum crazy!! I know for fact that my RIR, both Buff Orps, both of my older Easter Eggers are laying. But then I got a slightly darker speckled egg that could have been my Welsummer, and then today I got a random darker green egg (olive egger?) that could technically only be Princess, my Marans/EEx from Tamara, but she's younger than everyone else by over a week and I didn't think she was ready yet judging by her comb. I also saw my Australorp and Wyandotte check out the nest boxes and go in them today. ***Sigh*** I hate not knowing who is laying the eggs! LOL

Check their vents. Easy to tell who's laying, and who needs to have Mikey the Hatchet vist them :)
Our daughter got a card in the mail with a picture of her new teacher on it. We've never seen a card like that before - and we thought it was pretty cool! It's like a Christmas photo card - just not holiday themed.
Oh that is a good idea than, now I just need to remember to do it next year.
I have further read that a lot of fruit ripens in the late summer/fall; the same time as the summer heat and molting begins. So there is a natural reduction in egglaying at this time, which is naturally attributed to the fruit.
I kind of think that a little fruit is probably a good thing, but I may be applying human nutrition principles.

Firewife Jess, I remember reading that too much fruit = poor laying or none at all. This was on BYC quite some time ago. The person was told to stop the fruit, and her hens started laying ago. You might give it a try and see.

Your poor son is quite a trooper but, I don't think a "dosage much higher," than he should have gotten is wise - unless you want to visit the ER with him. OTC meds can be just as lethal as overdoses than prescription poducts.
That is tru, but my MD told me when I accidently gave my son a double dose of either Tylenol or a decongestant, that the dosages on the package are set pretty low for a safety reason. So that it takes A LOT of it to overdose. Just what I was told.
OK mine's 2 also, in April. So...erm....yeah, lemme count because with 3 I lose track. Almost 29 months-ish ;) But DD is 4 and DS is 6.

DD- don't worry, we're not ODing our DS on Benadryl ;) He just had 15mg instead of 10mg, which was safe according to our ped last year already. And I don't think giving the girls their first alternate food (from their grower feed) in over a week would have caused them to lay less today. If it becomes a pattern I will definitely take it to heart though and see if less pulp keeps up production. I have been told by many that extra veggies boosts production in the winter. We'll see and learn by trial and error I guess!
I give mine fruit all of the time and it doesn't make any difference. I read that article on here a few years ago too and stopped giving them fruit. It didn't help. They will start to lay when they start to lay. I have a Fav pullet that has been red for a few weeks now and the cockerel has been mounting her for a week, but alas, no egg yet.
Patience is a virtue, right? But this is me right now...
every time there is no egg from her.
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