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Hey I had a nice surprise today. T HI contacted me and ask if we could meet her at Spiffy's. We went up had lunch and a nice visit. Seems her and her friend were on their way home from visiting said friends family in Idaho. Toni was so kind as to remember from a conversation looong ago that I love me some Hermiston watermelon. She stopped at a fruit stand in Hermiston and brought me a watermelon! !!!! :drool   :celebrate   See this is eggsactly what I mean when I say my BYC family knows things that my mother's daughter has no clue about. 

MY BYC FAMILY ROCKS !!!!!   :hugs :love

Awwww shucks! :love

I am still very much a BYCer!!! I have just been a little overwhelmed and detained for awhile so I have not been able to be as frequent on here as I used too! Seems to be ALOT of newbies on here!!!

A WORD FOR ANY NEWCOMERSThis is the best thread on the internet!! Some old timers may be a bit abrupt, sarcastic, or even down right goofy! But the wisdom held within these great minds and even among the vast pages on this thread are priceless! You must know that if you stick around long enough you too may be fortunate enough to be among the many whom have been adopted into such a wonderful and loving family!

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CL!!!!!!!! :frow

Sounds like the house is coming along!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be done before Christmas! Oh and don't worry, you still have the winter salmon season!! :oops: :lau
Pretty pathetic when your indoor royal princess of a duck gets irritated at you for staying up late and making noise on a computer! She has been complaining for awhile so I put her top on her box to quiet her down. It work for a bit but now she is just plain down POed! She is just flat out quacking at the top of her lungs non stop! Crimeny sakes! I'm controlled by Daffy the Royal pain in the Highney!!!

Once again I thank CL and her DH for this enslavement!!!! Y'all beware if you let CL hatch any of your eggs!!! They take over your house and life! :lau :gig
Hello everyone! Here are some pictures I wanted to share from the weekend!

Heidi - our Appenzeller Spitzhauben from Hallerlake at 10 weeks - a tiny little girl!

One of the Brabanter girls at four months.

Bantam girls at 12 weeks - Princess Buttercup and Frodo

Mixed flock!

Heidi next to another chick her age - this is a little cockerel EE - both 10 weeks.

Juno - our Giant Jersey and the flock leader.

Princess Buttercup

Thanks for looking!
You have a chicken named Frodo!

I don't know about being charged with double posting, but I don't know that the word "cretan" meaning someone from the Greek island of Crete, has anything to do with poultry or runts, so I can't help you there. There is a word similarly pronounced but spelled differently that is used as a derogatory term, but I don't see how that would relate to poultry either.
I posted it in another section of BYC, but only had one response, that didn't help much, so I tried here.
I find it disturbing that the dog was put down on just the neighbor's word, unless the neighbor witnessed the whole thing and had proof.

You are a good friend for helping her out. I don't know anyone with quail, unfortunately. Could you post on the quail section of the forum?

I did get a handful of tomatoes, but only because they are tiny things. Here is a picture of them, they are appropriately named "Red Robin".

Please don't steal from my yard anymore! Maybe I'll post pics of my eggplants, then you can feel like Cisco!
Dude, how was that not nice? People aren't allowed to express an opinion around here? Or just new people?
You didn't do anything to deserve being treated like a pariah.
OMG!!!!! Did I Miss something????????????

I just was in the store They had a 5 gallon bucket of BOSS that was damaged and were selling it for $8.00.. so I figured I could use it up. I go thru the cashier line and the lady asked me what kind of birds I was feeding? I smiled and said "its for my chickens". She flipped out!!!!!

She said "That is for BIRDS... not chickens.... Chickens eat chicken food" I was in a good mood this morning because I had just purchased all my feed for a month and did it with the money I have gotten from selling eggs so I was a pretty happy camper.

So I tried to explain to her that I feed the BOSS as a treat to my birds and its really good for them , protein, oil for feathers etc. She asked if I mixed it into their food ... I said No Its just a treat i toss to them. They get their food free style in a feeder. Again I smiled really big at her..

As I paid she says again.. and I quote "Chickens should get chicken feed.. Its people like you that are the reason we have the Bird Flu because your not following natures way!!"

I looked at my 15 year old daughter that was with me and she was laughing and said "Gheesh mom.. how could you!!" (sarcastically of course). I started chuckling and decided the time and place was not fitting for a debate with this lady.. So I smiled told her that maybe if she did a Google search about feeding BOSS to chickens it would ease her mind.. I wished her a wonderful afternoon and we left..

Just thought I d share with other chicken friendly peeps :)
I believe it costs anywhere from $300-$600 last I heard!!

My strawberries have not done much at all this year
. Most that have produced got eaten by the chickens who can fit their heads thru the holes of the bird netting
I think that was when it first came out. I just read two articles that said 20-50 for the first shots, and 20 for the yearly booster. My mom gets it for her dog because they are always in S. California, on an oil field. When they start drilling, the animals come out.
Such a chicken dilema! Not sure what breed to get our where to find it!

We have five hens (well, two of them are almost hens, should be laying any day now) and I desperately want three more as that is the legal limit here in Seattle, we need more eggs, and chickens are just awesome. I can't decide if I want to try my hand for the first time at raising chicks or just get started pullets again. I want light-eating top-notch layers who are excellent foragers and crazy/flighty/smart enough to survive our dogs, who do occasionally misbehave and chase chickens. I have my heart set on LF Hamburgs because they are so cool-looking and they definitely fit the bill, though I worry about integrating them into our flock because they are such a small breed and I've heard they don't tend to stick up for themselves much in a mixed flock. The two Leghorns I added back in mid-June, the ones who are at POL now, are definitely at the bottom of the pecking order but they have done just fine for themselves and there has been very, very little pecking from our two Wyandottes, and our Welsummer, who is the flock leader, has taken a particular shine to the little Leghorns, even gets protective of them sometimes. Our three big hens aren't very aggressive but I do worry that the two Leghorns might give any newcomers a run for their money.

I recently emailed with the guy at Baxter Barn in Fall City and save for a few blue pullets he does not have any more Hamburgs until spring chicks. Blue is nice but I definitely want more than one color variety, and he will have more varieties in spring (including rare colors one can't get from hatcheries!). I guess I should wait until then, but I'm sure some of y'all know how it is when you have your heart set on a particular breed now, ya know? Availability isn't the only limiting factor as my boyfriend needs to build a bigger coop first, which he promises he'll do "soon", LOL. He also thinks we should just get more Leghorns since the two we recently got have done so well here and he knows I'll freak out if I see anything other than the very mildest forms of pecking-order-establishing.
The problem with getting more Leghorns is that the only variety with interesting plumage that is easy to come by around here seems to be Exchequer, which is what we already have and like I said, I want more variety.

So, am I crazy to want Hamburgs? Would they get bullied too much? Are there other places in WA or OR to find LF Hamburgs or rare types of Leghorns? I heard Stumpfarmer has Hamburgs, but I haven't heard back from her/him (granted, it's only been a few days, but like I said, I have that want-chickens-NOW syndrome, LOL).

I wanted hamburgs, until I found out that they like to roost in the trees.
I recently found out that it takes less feed to produce a white egg than brown egg. It makes me want to get leghorns.
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