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Just out of curiosity, how does one know when a chicken is having gut problems? I can say that adding probiotics immediately made our egg shells much sturdier.
Scientists are finding out that a chicken's immune system has everything to do with the guts. Oyster shell will hep with harder shells.
Hi Everybody.. I just finished reading 5 days of post took me last nite and this morning.. WOW.... :) I'm gonna try and read each day so I dont have to get so far behind..

So for a cover all statement.. I saw some amazing Pics of some Chickens posted they are Beautiful... I so hope my little ones turn out half as lovely. All the egg pics... very cool. I might have to post some of the oddball eggs I get from the older girls.. they are kinda comical and make great conversation pieces Welcome all the newcomers.. this is a great place and my chickens wouldn't be as happy as they are if it weren't for the great info I have learned here!!

* I am loving the idea of using the play house (CC) as a chicken enclosure. I may be doing the same for my four new babies.

* Itsren.... WOW... I love the coop .... Awesome I so wish I could run the tools and build like that.. instead of having to ask Hubby all the time :)

So now I have some questions about PUREBREDS vs Mutts????? I'm sorry I m being a smart arse.. and couldn't resist... MY BAD!

Seriously I want to thank every person that commented on that topic for their post.. It made me do some research on my own and learn more about chicken breeds, Heritage Breeds and some that are disappearing or considered rare now. I think once I get my set up done and get a bit more learning under my belt I very well may try and raise some of these lovely critters just to help increase their numbers. Had it not been for all the conversation I may not have learned what I have.. and Learning is one thing we are all here for. In a forum like this we don't learn if we don't talk or don't share our opinions and experience. Its an open forum with strong posters and lurkers :) I think its cool how we can read what someone says and then WE DECIDE if we want to take it and use it or just leave it here on the page:) Kinda like picking thru a candy dish.. Some like the Mints some like the Fruits !

Ok now Im off to take pics of my little Cornish X that Im having issues with.. gonna post the pics and see if anyone can tell me what the heck the lumps Im seeing are.. BTW... if anyone here wants to share their feeding idea for Cornish X from a week old up til process.. I could really use the insight.
Check out the ALBCA website. http://albc-usa.org/
since I have been hosting the dairy drop, I have made Kefir (kinda like yogurt) for my chickens, It is suppose to be good for them, no sugar like yogurt. Ive also heard it increases egg production and shell strength (maybe because the extra calcium?)
They go crazy for it.
I dont know it as a fact, but they seem to do fine with it.
I know someone who swears by yogurt. It's hard for me to grasp the concept that the probiotics in the little sav-a-chick packet is better that yogurt, something we can identify.
Ok, so I have a question. Is it to much to ask of my 4 month old Silkie cockerel to NOT attack my 4 year old boy every time he goes into the chicken yard? I know he's a rooster and not supposed to be all sweet and cuddly, but if my son can't step foot in the yard then the rooster will have to go. Any advice? I know it may be a silly question, but I'm asking any way. Also, he has shown aggression towards my husband. He tried with me a couple times but after meeting the back of my hand he is ok for now.

Thank you,
There was just a article on the home page about fixing roosters. Hold him upside down, that kind of thing.
I have had a heck of a weekend!

Poor Cash found a rattlesnake....

Here he was last night...took him to the vet this morning....

Eye Shaved & ready

Waiting for the Valium to kick in...you can see marks that look like fangs here..

Knocked out, draining fluid. The bloody area is from the vet draining pus out. The dark circle below is necrotic tissue.

Knocked out at the vet's office. Lanced, drained & packed with antibiotics.

Back home, still really drugged up...

Poor Cash, with drool strings...

I had to lift a 95lb, drooling, bleeding, pus-filled, drugged/dead-weight dog out of the truck bed. :) I couldn't carry him into the house, so for now, he's resting on his old sleeping bag in the shade with some water. He's still really out of it. But $235 later, he's still alive. Now he's on Predisone and Cephalexin.

The vet said he'll be okay...and thankfully, he's a BIG, tough dog. A smaller dog or a cat wouldn't have been as "lucky."
I have never seen a rattlesnake bite before. OMG.. Poor puppy. My mom vaccinates her dog. I wonder what the difference in injury is.
So, instead of having a conversation about it, and discussing it like adults, like Kim is trying to do, you get rude and snarky...and then you wonder why people jump to chastise you....turn about is fair play.

I am so sorry, I made the mistake of referring to some condescending PM's I got from her. Not everyone here acts as nicely in the PM, as they do in public.
I never wonder why people do what they do. What's that saying about opinions?

That is a pic of my 2 y/o right after a less than 10 week old pullet attacked both his eyes. Imagine what a hormone filled strong rooster could do to your son :( after the pic, those injuries turned black and blue and they almost swelled shut :(
That is a pic of my 2 y/o right after a less than 10 week old pullet attacked both his eyes. Imagine what a hormone filled strong rooster could do to your son
after the pic, those injuries turned black and blue and they almost swelled shut

OMG Jessica! What breed was she? I have only been attacked by momma hens, and when fingers have been mistaken to be worms. Poor buddy, is he afraid of your chickens now?
That is a pic of my 2 y/o right after a less than 10 week old pullet attacked both his eyes. Imagine what a hormone filled strong rooster could do to your son :( after the pic, those injuries turned black and blue and they almost swelled shut :(

OMG Jessica!  What breed was she?  I have only been attacked by momma hens, and when fingers have been mistaken to be worms.  Poor buddy, is he afraid of your chickens now?

She was/is my black austrlorp and now she is a nice bird. He isn't afraid of them and still picks them up :) he's a very tough boy ;) but it was disturbing enough for me to change the chicken rules around our home and pay much more attention to the chickens around the kids. After that I vowed we would never have a mean bird. Ever. Hope that helps influence your decision with your rooster; I would give it one week of trying to train him to respect your son and cull him after that :(
Ok, so I have a question. Is it to much to ask of my 4 month old Silkie cockerel to NOT attack my 4 year old boy every time he goes into the chicken yard? I know he's a rooster and not supposed to be all sweet and cuddly, but if my son can't step foot in the yard then the rooster will have to go. Any advice? I know it may be a silly question, but I'm asking any way. Also, he has shown aggression towards my husband. He tried with me a couple times but after meeting the back of my hand he is ok for now.

Thank you,

I'd get rid of the bird. Good cockerels and roosters shouldn't treat people like chickens. I had one hatchery silkie that turned into the meanest thing to girls and people. I tried everything that is recommended and nothing phased him.

My head honcho rooster who is his crossbreed son (thought the other nice one was the father when set the eggs), is a very nice boy. He keeps a respectful distance but will come up and take treats from me (to give to the girls). Never a wrong feather in my direction. Once you catch him he just sits there in your arms or lap and occasionally asks to get back down because being held is undignified.

The 8 month silkie cockerel I have now is a very mellow fellow. He's easy to catch (reach down and pick up) and will sit on me and let me do whatever to him. Unfortunately for him, he's a silkie and so cuddly.

Thank you!! I bred the Mal, Kes, and the Pom, Kaitlyn, was my original girl, in the Breed. She will be seven, in November and is the Alpha girl of my pack. It is so funny seeing this little five pound dog dominate dogs that are twice her size!

The photo below shows my pack next to my motorhome and the last photo is the Pom puppy, of my breeding, winning a Best In Show at 11 months. Words can't express how thrilled I was at that. Click on each to see the full shot.

Sheila :)

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