Washington State NPIP ?


Apr 18, 2020

I live in Washington state and I'm having trouble finding the information I want in the NPIP requirements document. I am hoping someone knows the answer or how to easily find it;

Do we have to be NPIP certified in Washington state, in order to ship eggs within the state boundary? I just can't seem to find the answer and boy have I been reading lol.
Thank you

I live in Washington state and I'm having trouble finding the information I want in the NPIP requirements document. I am hoping someone knows the answer or how to easily find it;

Do we have to be NPIP certified in Washington state, in order to ship eggs within the state boundary? I just can't seem to find the answer and boy have I been reading lol.
Thank you
Washington, like most states, requires inspection of poultry (or origination from an NPIP participant flock) before they can be brought into the State. Washington, like most states, does not require that of birds already in the State, nor does it require inspection of birds leaving the State.

There is small possibility that local municipalities (cities, counties) thru which you might pass in-state have their own regulations regarding the transport of poultry - but such examples are VERY rare.

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