WANTED: Needed: NY,NJ PA giant cochin rooster, or giant something


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Frankford, NJ
I am looking for a giant rooster of some kind, a giant cochin or the like, asap, I have a fox that keeps coming and yesterday he got 1 bird that I know of, and today he got 4, he is coming around when I am not home, so I can't get him, the only thing I have to kill him would be a bow, and I cannot pull it back, I don't have a gun license to get one, though I think I am going to go get one.

I am soooo ticked off right now, I only have 2 silkie roosters and they are not doing anything lol, I need a big guy, but would appreciate something that is not nasty, I have 2 young kids. thanks

Dawn ~~NJ~~
I think you would be better off getting a trap and catching the predator, instead of getting a rooster who will likely end up being a meal as well (not really fair to the rooster). A rooster is no match for a carnivorous predator, no matter what his size. Protect your birds by predator proofing their coop and run and keeping them locked up.
Are you sure it is a fox? You might have a coyote problem if so many are disappearing that fast.

Try the Predator and Pests forum here and at the old BYC message board for help.
Good luck.
thanks for the reply, nope it is a fox, I am looking at him now, and I am going out with my bow to try and get him. I still want a giant roo eventually, but not now. thanks
no but if I don't get him today, my dh is going to get him tomorrow, he can shoot the bow lol he keeps coming about the same time each day, but he cannot get the girls now, cause they are in the pen and not out, so they should be safe, but when he comes around I still go out and scare him away, the only thing I hope is that if he comes today and does not get a meal, if he will come tomorrow, due to the fact that he has not gotten a meal in 2 days now, I want him outta here and not have to worry about it again. thanks for asking

Dawn ~~NJ~~
Good luck, Dawn.... I'm in a similar situation. There's a pair of bald eagles that found my birdies...
I can't and wouldn't shoot them, but I really don't want them to have lunch here, either...

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