wanted Mille fleur d'uccle eggs


15 Years
Jan 13, 2007
When the weather warms up I have decided I would like to try some d'uccle eggs. Its -4 below with -25 windchill at the present so an egg would be frozen in what 5 minutes haha. I got some off e bay and under a broody hen I had 0 development:mad: So I want to try again.
I should have some when the weather warms up a bit. We plan on showing our 1 hen but the pullets will all be in the breeder pen till they get real spotty in the fall. Check back when it warms up if you like:)
oooh Napa! Hi there! I was at your site yesterday and looking at your D'Uccles. You have some interesting colors!! I would like some of those, too, when it warms up!
I will for sure be in contact when the weather warms up a this rate it will probably be april, even though it is a bit warmer today only-1 for the high and only -10 for the windchil. More baby peeps I want more baby peeps:D
Try Kritter or Starwalker. Haven't seen either here but you can contact them from the "other" BYC!

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