Wait or not yo wait that is the Q

Bigtom Turkey

Nov 29, 2020
Hey friends so I have some eggs that are due to hatch soon, but they are are looking underdeveloped. Lock down is tonight but I was wondering if it is better to lock down now and just give them a few extra days, or postpone lock down for a few days.
Hello, I locked down early and my eggs haven't hatched yet. I going on 22 days at 10 pm tonight. I just read another post with a late hatch, so I will give my eggs 24 days. When I candled them at day 8, I could clearly see it moving, so I am pretty sure they still alive.

It got cold at night and I saw my temps drop to 97F, so I will give them some time, before I pull the life support.

The most you can wait to lock down is one day, in my opinion. I had some hatches where they pip 2 days early.
I like to wait for as long as possible. If temps fluctuated then wait. It is so hard to tell what is really going on when candling . I have been hatching continuously since February of this year and I have seen so much different results. Just wait it out. At the end of their development I think turning is less important. I missed taking and egg out of the incubator box (with turner) and it hatched right there in the the egg turner. I was so surprised when I looked in on the eggs. Hatching is not for the light hearted but it is also not for the impatient. If your temps run high they will hatch early, which I have inadvertently had good success with.

There is also the float test, but I have not done that yet. You float the past due egg in 99.5 to 100 degree water and see if it sinks or moves. There is more info on this site if you search for float test.
I’d say it depends on how under developed they look. In general though I think early lockdown is fine. I locked down my latest hatch a day early because my eggs have been pipping on lockdown day. Not all eggs had drawn down yet, but they are at least close.

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