Vomiting or Regurgitating Broody Hen?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 19, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys! I'm new here, and I've got a flock of 11 birds. They are all pets, and one if them is broody. Her name is Bravewing, and she is a Gray Japanese Bantam cross with a Sussex. Anyways, her eggs did not hatch, but she's still sitting on them. I am going to take them away soon, I just want to make sure they are not gonna hatch. She had been sitting for a full 30 days now. Today I am probably going to take the eggs away. But Bravewing has been acting weird. She seems to be vomiting or regurgitating. Is this normal? And if not, what can I do to help her?:/
No, it's not normal. If they are chicken eggs they are not going to hatch at this late date. A broody will eat dead chicks. Have you looked under her? I am wondering if she is eating rotten eggs. I would get her out of there now, and offer fresh water and whatever food she will take readily. If you have some Gatorade or the like, I would put a little in her drinking water, for the sugar and electrolytes. I hope she gets better.
Thanks; I will make sure to get her out today. No, she is not eating rotten eggs. I've got some special vitamin powder for her water that has electrolytes. The poor girl, this is the second time she's gotten broody and not had chicks! Hopefully they'll hatch the next time she gets broody. Thanks!:D

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