Very Soft Stool in Chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2023
I am a brand new chicken owner. I have 8 chicks that are about 12 days old (all different breeds). Every now and then one or more of them will have a very soft/runny stool I would describe it like pudding. But the same chicks will also have what looks like a normal formed poop. Some times it's the same chick, but a few seem to take turns having this type of poop. When they first came home they all had very watery poops but by the second day things seemed normal. They are in a brooder with a radiant heater that they crawl under, pine shaving bedding. I feed them an organic started crumble. I have put dash of ACV in their water a couple of times over the past 12 days, I have given them a few bites of thyme and oregano. A few days ago they had a clump of dirt/grass to work on. Other than that nothing. They scratch and peep all day, they are growing and getting feathers, no loud crying. What are your thoughts??
Sounds normal. we are always down for poop pictures if you're still worried but even grown chickens do cecal poops. Right where you walk usually haha
HA Ha! I will get a pic tomorrow and share, I love a group that’s so down to earth! I looked up the info on cecal droppings in my book and wondered why it wasn’t highlighted for people like me LOL!!

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