VENT GLEET???? help!

Feb 26, 2024
Hello everybody! I have an Americana chicken and I think she might have vent gleet... She does isolate herself in the coop during the day but I take her out to be with everybody and eat lots of yummy grass but it just bothers me. I want to get it taken care of as soon as possible but I'm not so sure what to do. I'm about to give her a second epsom salt bath and apply some antifungal cream on her vent. Just need some help for me and my poor baby!! ( I did cut some of her feathers around her vent so that it would be more visible...) Thank you!!!


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Welcome to BYC. What does her poop look like? Do you notice a worse odor from her vent or droppings compared to others? Droppings when they have diarrhea or leaky urates can burn the area around the vent. Vent gleet is a fungal or yeast overgrowth, and can be treated with miconazole or Monistat cream used on the irritated vent area.

How does her crop feel now and again early in the morning? If her crop is puffy and not emptying, she might have the beginning of sour crop. If her crop is going sour and she has a bad odor from her beak when you touch her crop, the Monistat can also be given orally as well.

Does she lay eggs normally? How old is she? Are other picking her feathers around her vent at all?
Welcome to BYC. What does her poop look like? Do you notice a worse odor from her vent or droppings compared to others? Droppings when they have diarrhea or leaky urates can burn the area around the vent. Vent gleet is a fungal or yeast overgrowth, and can be treated with miconazole or Monistat cream used on the irritated vent area.

How does her crop feel now and again early in the morning? If her crop is puffy and not emptying, she might have the beginning of sour crop. If her crop is going sour and she has a bad odor from her beak when you touch her crop, the Monistat can also be given orally as well.

Does she lay eggs normally? How old is she? Are other picking her feathers around her vent at all?
Hey there. Thank you so much for your time. Her poop looks decent ( Sort of normal with white caps.) and I haven't noticed and stench from her droppings... Sometimes when I pick her up to check on her bottom, a brown watery substance will come out of her vent... ( I know...bleh..).
I don't feel her crop very often but right now it seems empty and soft ( although she is in a warm bath right now, so that might be why it feels soft..) . I will check in the morning how it feels.
I think she does lay eggs normally but I'm not so sure. I haven't seen her in the nesting boxes lately ( I'll make sure I pay more attention to that.) .

She is about two or three years old.
No other chickens have been interested in messing with her bottom.

Thank you!!
You can try giving some probiotics with her food a couple of days a week. Plain Greek yogurt give some, and feed stores also sell Probios and other brands for animals. The best time to check the crop is early morning before they eat or drink, when it should be empty. Let us know if it isn’t. Chickens poop around the clock, normal droppings along with an occasional cecal poop, the shiny smelly sticky ones that come from the ceca where food is fermented. It does n’t hurt to worm her as well, and Valbazen 1/2 ml orally or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.25 ml orally are good. Repeat those in 10 days.
You can try giving some probiotics with her food a couple of days a week. Plain Greek yogurt give some, and feed stores also sell Probios and other brands for animals. The best time to check the crop is early morning before they eat or drink, when it should be empty. Let us know if it isn’t. Chickens poop around the clock, normal droppings along with an occasional cecal poop, the shiny smelly sticky ones that come from the ceca where food is fermented. It does n’t hurt to worm her as well, and Valbazen 1/2 ml orally or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.25 ml orally are good. Repeat those in 10 days.
I'll update you on her crop in the morning. Thank you so much!

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