Vaccinating my 10 week old chickens for Mareks and need advice on correct syringe/needle gauge size


9 Years
Apr 25, 2015
Simi Valley, CA
After unsuccessfully searching all over for a vet to vaccinate my chickens for Mareks, I have decided to vaccinate my 3 chickens myself. I will get the vaccine from Jeffers, but I am unsure of where to get the syringes/needles, and more importantly how big/small they should be. I know most people vaccinate their chicks at 1 day old, but I am a first time chicken momma, and didn't realize it would be hard to find a vet to vaccinate my chicks that I hatched out of an incubator myself. I have seen people talk about needle gauge size for vaccinating the chicks for Mareks, but I would assume the gauge should be bigger when the chicks are 3 months old. Can anyone please shine some light on this for me? I want to vaccinate asap, because they are growing fast and still living in a brooder inside my house, and I want to move them outside to a coop. Any advice is welcome! Thank you!
I just ordered from Ideal Poultry, and they even had a little message that said if you have a small flock they do not recommend vaccinating.

Side note- have you read the PBS article about the Marek's vaccine? Not worth it. Vaccines are not improving health or ensuring it either. Good luck though.

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