Using reptile heat mats?


9 Years
Feb 4, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland
I know that chicks get their heat from mama's feathers above them and reptiles get their heat from lying on rocks warmed by the sun, but is there any obvious reason why you shouldn't or couldn't put a reptile heat mat under half of your brooder floor instead of having a bright light shining on them from above? Not something I'm thinking of doing, just wondering out loud, because I saw them sitting on the shelf when I bought my heat lamp from the reptile section of my local pet shop...
I would say you could, but I'd also have light in there for added heat. Just make sure you don't over heat. I priced a heat mat at our local pet store, ans it was about $25.00, so I decided to just stick with the heat lamp.
That's kinda what I thought, just wondering if there were any definite reasons not to use one.
If I'm ever offered a second hand heat mat I may give it a try and see how it goes...
The main problem I'd see with a heat mat is the chicks would have a difficult time finding the right temp: with a heat lamp they can move to where they feel the most comfortable (since it gets colder as you move away from the lamp). With a heat mat, your either on it or off. It seems like it would be more difficult to adjust themselves. Also, if you are putting the mat under the brooder it wouldn't be a problem, but I have had heat mats/rocks that can have areas that get really, really hot (almost too hot to touch).

Also, a reptile is going to lay flat on the heat mat/rock/floor and absorb the heat. A chick is only going to have its feet in contact with the mat... the mat would have to be REALLY hot in order to warm up the air around the chick (as opposed to just warming up the floor)
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Good Point! When I was considering doing it, I was going to have a plush stuffed animal on top of that area, trying to mimic a mama hen. Then I remembered... They poop... alot!
so no stuffed animals in the brooder...

The main problem I'd see with a heat mat is the chicks would have a difficult time finding the right temp: with a heat lamp they can move to where they feel the most comfortable (since it gets colder as you move away from the lamp). With a heat mat, your either on it or off. It seems like it would be more difficult to adjust themselves. Also, if you are putting the mat under the brooder it wouldn't be a problem, but I have had heat mats/rocks that can have areas that get really, really hot (almost too hot to touch).

Also, a reptile is going to lay flat on the heat mat/rock/floor and absorb the heat. A chick is only going to have its feet in contact with the mat... the mat would have to be REALLY hot in order to warm up the air around the chick (as opposed to just warming up the floor)

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