Using dried leaves

I use leaves for my bedding - it is all I use - I leave them whole and cart them in to the Chicken Palace in bags. The chickens love them and will tear into a heap and spread them around and find loads of bugs.
You have to decide about damp - I am lucky in that I am on a dirt floor with oodles of ventilation - so I toss them in even if they are wet or frozen - but with a smaller space I would probably want some dry ones.
I do keep a couple of bags of leaves in the garage so I always have a supply of dry ones if I need them.
Eventually your chickens will shred them up so much they basically disappear - I am on year 3 and haven't yet had to clean out my coop - but may do so this Fall. Or maybe next!
I dumped a pile of leaves in the run last fall, and the chickens ran off. For about a minute. Then the rooster started scratching through them, saying, "tuck tuck tuck," which is his tidbitting sound. Then all the girls were there and they had a blast.

When I brought in the second pile, the just moved out of the way, then they all went for it as soon as it was on the ground.
I dumped a pile of leaves in the run last fall, and the chickens ran off. For about a minute. Then the rooster started scratching through them, saying, "tuck tuck tuck," which is his tidbitting sound. Then all the girls were there and they had a blast.

When I brought in the second pile, the just moved out of the way, then they all went for it as soon as it was on the ground.
Yeah they are suspicious of new things!
I wish I could train mine to put the leaves in the sacks to begin with but they seem to think that is my job!

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