User info very limited on mobile view


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Eastern WA
I had another user direct me to her signature line to view a link. When I clicked on her username then to her about page, there is very limited information compared to th desktop view. I did not see her signature line. This led to some frustration on my part until I figured out there was a big difference in content between the two views.

Also, if a signature line should show at the end of each post, it does not do so on the mobile version.
Thanks for the feedback. The mobile version of the site is still very new and we wanted to stick with the most basic and necessary elements before adding more functionality. Hopefully as more people use mobile, the more features we'll add to it.
I have to say though, BYC is the way all online forums should be. Oh, the difference all those Yahoo groups I belong to would be!

Aside from what I said above, the mobile version works very well. It is slick, fast and easy to read on a tablet. Thanks!
I love the mobile version as well, but it gets frustrating having to switch back and forth to make certain posts and to see people's signatures.

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