Ursuline Chick


Hayden Goseek

Runs with Scissors 🛸🏴‍☠️
Premium Feather Member
Dec 5, 2020
New Orleans
It is with the greatest sadness I must report the passing of our sister Tracy, known here as Ursuline Chick. She died on March 11th after a long battle with chronic pain and debility. She loved her friends here at BYC.
Some of you know that we were married and I would like to take a moment to tell you something about her. While she was usually shy and private, she was willing to offer sympathy and advice to all who needed it. In her trips around the Sun she was a mother, grandmother, teacher, tax accountant and a Critical Care nurse.
She loved her city, New Orleans, and would proudly tell you that her folks had been here for 300 years. She could wax on about history, culture, geography, hunting, fishing, sailing, cooking, gardening, books, English sports cars and lately, chickens, all from hands on experience. Her skills in the kitchen were unsurpassed, especially with Sicilian and Creole cooking.
She will always be the light and Love of my life.
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Guys, find a girl who looks at you like this.
Thank you everyone for your support.
I am not going to keep this going forever but I wanted to make one more post. She felt no one appreciated her and wanted only her children and one close friend at the grave. With only word of mouth and no announcement, hundreds showed up on a Tuesday morning to see her off.


I, too, sometimes struggle with what you should say in a time like this that feels sincere and not a reflex statement. But I find that this quote from Bruce Coville in a children's book of all places sometimes carries the most weight.

“Nothing you love is lost. Not really. Things, people—they always go away, sooner or later. You can’t hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight. But if they’ve touched you, if they’re inside you, then they’re still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart.”
― Bruce Coville, Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

I am sorry for your loss, and though the loss of the BYC community pales in light of yours, for the people who knew her here, too.
@Hayden Goseek How are you doing? How is daughter? You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Peace be with you.
WOW! I am overwhelmed by your question and the response to it.
As Hannity would say "Better than I ought to be." The sudden hole in your life is a shock. DD is holding up well but sometimes I see a little hurt and anger peeking out. We just try to be there for each other.
We will have a service next week at, (you could probably guess) Ursuline Chapel and she will be interred with her father at St Louis #1. (one of those old N. Orleans above ground cemeteries you need to be on a tour to visit.)

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