Urban Northern

Hi Everyone,
We have built our own coops in the past, but this time we need something that is less time and labor intensive and has the potential to be moved if need be. We found the site Urban Northern, and the coops have excellent reviews. Does anyone know anything about their product?
Just a quick look at their home page tells me: "RUN AWAY, RUN FAR, FAR AWAY". Coops built like that are always going to be short-lived, undersized and a waste of money.
If you want something that can be moved you can have a shed repositioned on your property or moved to another property. A shed can be converted into a coop.
If you are talking smaller scale, there are many designs on the internet for chicken tractors, some that can be moved by one or two people and others that require a tractor.
Agrees with @DobieLover .

This coop is only about 3' x 3', not including the nests..good for maybe 2 birds and they say up to 12. That right there is a huge red flag.

Had to laugh out loud at this disclaimer:
"**Hen capacity is a recommendation. It is up to each person to decide what works best for their situation and hens. "

Ignore the cheery reviews(on just about any product) they are usually fabrications.

Not sure about your chickeneering experience but prefabs are usually not worth the money....and did you see that the shipping is at least a hundred bucks from Washington state?

Sorry to be such a DebbieDowner.......these dollhouse coops are pet peeve, I just hate to see another hopeful chicken owner screwed over by slinky marketing.
I totally agree. In fact I caved and purchased a prefab coop from Amazon. It too had stellar reviews. OMG! what a waste of money. It was supposed to be big enough for 2 -3 chickens. It wasn't big enough for my rooster. I spent more money making it bigger and instead of attaching it to my existing run I had to put it inside the run because it was absolutely no critter proof. I would suggest purchasing a small shed and turn that into your coop.
Well, to be fair I did not do the math on the size because I was looking at it way too late at night. I was not surprised to see that the Amazon coops were a fail, it is sad, but they can't be real wood and are all really small. I feel like we will wind up building our own, or looking for a small shed to convert. The problem with those is that they running so high right now that people want to put their mowers in them. I thought it was worth a look. We can't do a tractor because the property has such a significant slant and putting 11 in a tractor would make it a size that is sooo heavy. Thanks for your feedback. We have always built, and guess we will again.
Guys! Guys!!! Guys!!!!!! (and ladies)

Their "our story" page is signed at the bottom "chickencoopsnw". Does anyone else remember the chickencoopsnw threads? Looks like the company rebranded (multiple times).

@Lilly16 , run away......fast. Really fast.

Where were the "good" reviews that you saw?





If you want something fast, look for a coop on craigslist. At least you will get what you pay for. I can't imagine every chicken coop being suitable for a lawnmower.

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