Update on sick chicks: what else can I do ?

The brooder tho - I’m actually kind of excited to see what I can make with the moving boxes… but question is .. how do I keep the bottom from getting completely damaged / clean it ?

Lots of layers of newspaper or cardboard can help (with something not-slippery on top of that.) The layers will keep the chicks from directly scratching the bottom of the box, or pooping directly on it.

Keeping it dry can help keep the bottom in usable shape. Maybe put the water on a plate or a baking sheet or something of the sort (ideally, something you can throw away when you are done with it: maybe the lid from some kind of food product.)

The bottom just will fall apart at some point. If you have it sitting on something waterproof and semi-sturdy, you will be able to pick up the whole mess at the end and carry it out to wherever you dispose of it (probably trash can or compost pile). The "something waterproof" could be a tarp, a plastic shower curtain, a big plastic trash bag, even the plastic bag that some brands of chicken food come in. I've used a variety of things, depending on what I already had (especially things that were going to be thrown away anyway, that I could use and then toss!)
@NatJ @SandyRiverChick

We went and did it .. bottom has a big plaster board underneath it . Sides are cardboard.


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If you put squares of cardboard or plywood maybe 16x16 under the feed and water it really cuts down on the pine shavings in the food and water.
Sorry the picture wasn’t the updated product I couldn’t wait to share it haha . We did end up putting boards under the water and feed stations

Yeah the “accident” was terrible . While I was at an internship and my fiance was at work our brooder plate *^cut off in the LITTLES brooder . I walked in and they were all huddled to the side where the plate wasn’t trying to get warmth from the light that was shining from the other brooder (dark out curtains ) the rest of the chicks shoved a smaller chick into the water and I found it drowned .. I was mortified . I had to quickly warm up the poor babies . One is still slightly chilled but eating and drinking . I called my fiance in a panic and he rushed home . I’m thankful for him but man oh man I was not expecting that.
Yeah the “accident” was terrible . While I was at an internship and my fiance was at work our brooder plate *^cut off in the LITTLES brooder . I walked in and they were all huddled to the side where the plate wasn’t trying to get warmth from the light that was shining from the other brooder (dark out curtains ) the rest of the chicks shoved a smaller chick into the water and I found it drowned .. I was mortified . I had to quickly warm up the poor babies . One is still slightly chilled but eating and drinking . I called my fiance in a panic and he rushed home . I’m thankful for him but man oh man I was not expecting that.
Yikes, that's unfortunate. :( My heating pad cuts out at least once every time I brood chicks, but I've never lost a chick from it. They just hunker down and huddle up until I get it back on.
Yikes, that's unfortunate. :( My heating pad cuts out at least once every time I brood chicks, but I've never lost a chick from it. They just hunker down and huddle up until I get it back on.
I think the light coming in their brooder from the brooder with the lamp confused them so they huddled toward that. We even had rocks in their water .

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