Unrefrigerated fertile egg yolks break easily and seem soupy


7 Years
Mar 14, 2017
I need to find out why my unwashed/unfridged egg yolks are so loose and immediately break and run once I crack the shell? None of my unwashed eggs have ever made it past 3 weeks of age, and I wondered if that was too long. But, I just scrambled some from within the last week and they too had loose yolks. The eggs are fertilized, fresh from free-range chickens (mine), unwashed, clean, and my chickens get great food. Is the outdoor temp too warm and/or humid?? It is the northeast - our temps are in the 70's, and some days are humid. Do counter eggs need to have a limit of temps- perhaps no warmer than 65 or something? I sell some eggs and worry people will think they are bad if they yolks come out loose. Hopefully someone on here knows! Thanks!
Wow, really? So could the warm weather also have the same effect? But most of us leave our eggs out unwashed for even a few weeks, don't we? Does it spoil the yolks at all?
I wash my infertile eggs daily sometimes 2 days if I'm lazy, because my customers want them washed and let them air dry overnight, before refrigeration. 20170627_212655.jpg
I would still refrigerate clean unwashed eggs, especially during summer.
Tip, Take the eggs you're gonna use, out of fridge, and set on counter 15 minutes before using/cooking. Much better consistency. GC
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Clean unwashed eggs have a protective cuticle coating. Should prevent bacteria on a clean crack free egg from entering. Wash before using.
Eggs in winter get cold before collecting most of the time, even frozen, if you live in a cold climate. GC
Do a bit of an experiment: put your birds on a multivitamin. You could use Poultry Nutri-Drench. I put my birds on multi-vits prior to collecting eggs for hatching, and it made a huge immediate difference in over all egg structure, including shell, membranes, and yolk membrane. What is the protein % of your feed? What is the mill date on the feed you are using? Is it greater than 6 weeks? Are you storing your feed in a cool dry place? (yeah, that's a joke in the mid of a humid summer!)
Do a bit of an experiment: put your birds on a multivitamin. You could use Poultry Nutri-Drench. I put my birds on multi-vits prior to collecting eggs for hatching, and it made a huge immediate difference in over all egg structure, including shell, membranes, and yolk membrane. What is the protein % of your feed? What is the mill date on the feed you are using? Is it greater than 6 weeks? Are you storing your feed in a cool dry place? (yeah, that's a joke in the mid of a humid summer!)

I did just get a multi w/ probiotics for their water... wondering how effective it is when it sits in the sun all day (or heat, for that matter). I use the Nutri-Wise Hearty Hen w/ 16% protein for layers, and now also give them a whole grain organic feed (peas, wheat, corn, oats, alfalfa, vits, minerals, probiotics) also. Not sure the mill date on the pellets.. but it is from a farm store that orders a lot of it. Trying to store it in the coolest place possible.. but yes, humid weather makes that a challenge! Lazy Gardener, where in ME are you located? I am also in central maine.
I need to find out why my unwashed/unfridged egg yolks are so loose and immediately break and run once I crack the shell? None of my unwashed eggs have ever made it past 3 weeks of age, and I wondered if that was too long. But, I just scrambled some from within the last week and they too had loose yolks. The eggs are fertilized, fresh from free-range chickens (mine), unwashed, clean, and my chickens get great food. Is the outdoor temp too warm and/or humid?? It is the northeast - our temps are in the 70's, and some days are humid. Do counter eggs need to have a limit of temps- perhaps no warmer than 65 or something? I sell some eggs and worry people will think they are bad if they yolks come out loose. Hopefully someone on here knows! Thanks!
I am online looking for the same answer. And I worry about my customers too. As soon as the egg is cracked, the yolks are loose and break. I am thinking, pull them every day, refrigerate them and see what happens. The only other factor is the rooster.....

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