Uncovered run floor covering

I’m looking for recommendations as my run is getting a bit out of hand.
My chickens have lived at the back of my garden in their run for almost a year now. The run has always had a dirt flooring which was fine at first, but now it’s winter it’s getting rained on a lot and it’s very messy and their feet are constantly getting muddy.
I felt bad so started giving them some time in the main garden on the grass which they love, and I probably shouldn’t have as they now really don’t like the run. Whenever I come to the run they think I’m letting them out and get annoyed when I don’t 😅
I was thinking maybe I could roll some turf out in the run, but they’d probably just eat the grass within weeks and would Be back to mud again.
I think it’s best for me to avoid straw/shavings as that would probably be a nightmare too.
I’m not really able to cover the run as it would be really difficult, so trying to look for some good alternatives.
If anyone has any recommendations of something that’s good for being rained on, and that they can still enjoy scratching around in 😃

I’ve attached a picture of the run, it only shows the front but it’s the only one I have saved.
Start saving up dry leaves and or other organic material to put down on the ground when necessary. Thats what i did this year. I have a big pile of leaves in the run and i will rake/spread them around on the real muddy parts. This morning for example, i noticed a muddy/wet spot, puddle, in the run. I used those leaves to cover it and soak it up. I have a covered run tho.
I wouldn't want to use anything that wasn't biodegradable in a chicken run. The reason deep litter works is that the composting action neutralizes the poop.
Oh, they love those rubber chips! I got a bunch free from older couple taking down swingset. Removed wood bark mulch from my peony and rose beds, loosened soil, fertilized, watered, put down new landscape cloth and laid down 4 inches of black rubber mulch. My front yard looked great! 3 days later, came home from work to discover chickens had spent all day removing bark and lining scattering it hither and yon. My front yard still doesn't look very good! Maybe this year...dh bought me pretty garden fence for Christmas!
Thank you everyone that helped 🙂 got the wood chip today and emptied it into their run, after spreading it all out it just about covered. Probably could have done with a couple more bags but it’s good enough for now, I made it deeper in the area that was worst in the rain.

I’ve posted a picture of what it looked like before and some pictures of what it now looks like, the chickens seem to love it 😆
Wow what a difference! I like the mulch, but when it starts getting low, I have started using pelletized pine bedding. If it gets wet, it turns to a Sawdust/sand material, which is really easy to clean up. I have a 10x20 run and added 3 bags of pelletized bedding. Now I have a good mixture of materials on the run floor. I had added a bag of sand in one portion for them to use as dust bath area, but it's since been dispersed. Then the mulch, and the pelletized pine. They have a great bit of organic material to scratch and bathe in now. Just threw in a bale of straw today too. They loved it!
use bags of leaves that your neighbours dont want. pile it thick! they love foraging for stuff under them and it keeps the run from getting mucky. I add a bag of leaves each week over the winter when we get rain and snow. by spring it's amazing compost!

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