Unacceptable Guest Dog

You are in a really bad situation. It sounds like they managed to raise a great son who is going to be a great husband for you. I don’t understand folks like them but I have seen a lot of them and I don’t like their ways. Just be ever so careful and never let them live with you or you find yourself living with them. Never. I’m telling you it will be all their control of you. Do not allow that to ever a happen. You may find yourself dead. I am not kidding. They sound that way. I wish you the best and hope your wedding and marriage goes superb. Best of luck to you my dear and please take care of yourself!!
Don't you worry about that. I would never allow them to live in our home. If they cant respect us they certainly wont respect our home. His mom tries to act very nice but I can hear the underhanded comments. When we told her about the engagement she acted like she was in shock and talked like she didnt want us to get married. Even talked about wearing black to the wedding. Ever since the engagement shes been trying to take over the planning process entirely. I have not allowed it but I have been as nice as I can be. Luckily they've been out of town for the past month so I've been able to avoid her but I know as soon as I see her again it's gonna be Pinterest this and Pinterest that. I haven't told her I'm on Pinterest simply because I dont want to be hassled by all "her ideas". My fiancee however has been wonderful about it. He's let me vent and tells me "whatever you want, its your day". I love him so much that I will gladly marry him even though his mother will be a monster in law. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad
I chose not to edit my post but reply to it, so all can see the original.

The conduct I dislike, is mentioning or showing off weapons when an attack is averted or stopped. If an animal must be killed to stop its attack, then it should be killed as quickly as it is safe to.
Don't you worry about that. I would never allow them to live in our home. If they cant respect us they certainly wont respect our home. His mom tries to act very nice but I can hear the underhanded comments. When we told her about the engagement she acted like she was in shock and talked like she didnt want us to get married. Even talked about wearing black to the wedding. Ever since the engagement shes been trying to take over the planning process entirely. I have not allowed it but I have been as nice as I can be. Luckily they've been out of town for the past month so I've been able to avoid her but I know as soon as I see her again it's gonna be Pinterest this and Pinterest that. I haven't told her I'm on Pinterest simply because I dont want to be hassled by all "her ideas". My fiancee however has been wonderful about it. He's let me vent and tells me "whatever you want, its your day". I love him so much that I will gladly marry him even though his mother will be a monster in law. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad
Wife and I decided on a quiet ceremony to honor our parents roles in our lives. My MIL grabbed onto it and before we knew it, the guest list was approaching 300.

I called the wedding off. We were renting from them. She kicked me out with 3 days notice. When I left, I took her daughter with me. We eloped and the rest is history. I called my mom and dad to tell them the news, they said congratulations and wanted to come see us in the weekend. My FIL congratulated us. My MIL said ‘Oh. OK. I gotta go.’ Didn’t speak to either of us for 6 months.

15 years together Nov 14th. She’s still worth it.

PS My mom and dad showed up with a big upright freezer for our wedding gift. Best present ever.
Wife and I decided on a quiet ceremony to honor our parents roles in our lives. My MIL grabbed onto it and before we knew it, the guest list was approaching 300.

I called the wedding off. We were renting from them. She kicked me out with 3 days notice. When I left, I took her daughter with me. We eloped and the rest is history. I called my mom and dad to tell them the news, they said congratulations and wanted to come see us in the weekend. My FIL congratulated us. My MIL said ‘Oh. OK. I gotta go.’ Didn’t speak to either of us for 6 months.

15 years together Nov 14th. She’s still worth it.

PS My mom and dad showed up with a big upright freezer for our wedding gift. Best present ever.
Would be fitting for this to be the last post of the thread!

A happy ending, at least for this part of the story.
Well told!
Wife and I decided on a quiet ceremony to honor our parents roles in our lives. My MIL grabbed onto it and before we knew it, the guest list was approaching 300.

I called the wedding off. We were renting from them. She kicked me out with 3 days notice. When I left, I took her daughter with me. We eloped and the rest is history. I called my mom and dad to tell them the news, they said congratulations and wanted to come see us in the weekend. My FIL congratulated us. My MIL said ‘Oh. OK. I gotta go.’ Didn’t speak to either of us for 6 months.

15 years together Nov 14th. She’s still worth it.

PS My mom and dad showed up with a big upright freezer for our wedding gift. Best present ever.
The most important thing is that you love each other and are together. It's so sweet for you to talk about your wife that way. It sucks that you had to deal with that though.
We're going with a small ceremony as well. Mostly friends as we dont have much family. My mother passed away 12 years ago and we dont really talk to her family for reasons I wont go into and his side is very small. MIL suggested we elope at the courthouse versus a ceremony. She tried to "convince" my fiancee that it was best we do it that way and "plan the ceremony for later." He came home after a visit with them all ready to march down to the courthouse. I refused because "thats not OUR story." Plus I'm pretty sure my father would not be happy about that. Now of course since she didnt get her way on that shes trying to have me do things I dont want to. She got mad that we aren't doing a registry and tried to "convince" me otherwise. "Well what if they dont want to give you money and give you a gift instead?" To which I said "we dont need anything. What we really need is money and time to fix up our house. We already have too much junk." She scoffed all mad about it. But we've been together for 10 years and lived together for 3...nothing wrong with the stuff we have and we dont need fine china. Not having the pope over anytime soon and we are not fancy party throwers. Theres just so much waste in the world itd be better to get something we can actually use
Sadly we have had this problem many times. People saying that their dogs are fine and would never hurt anything and then let them off the leash even after we tell them that we would not like the dog running around. It's very frustrating and especially after you've asked them not to but they're convinced that their dog is an angel or something. I don't remember a time that a dog has not gone after our chickens and we have had countless dogs here. Thankfully we've only had one incident where the chicken has died and the other times we have been able to fix it but it takes days and so much work as I'm sure most of you know. I've had to care for about 5 of my neighbours chickens because the dog has been running outside with the chickens and of course it attacks them and we're left with taking care of it because they won't. I can't see an animal suffer like that so I'm always ready to help but it does get tiring when you're doing it often.

Next time we have a dog over I'll be even more strict about the rules because some people really need to understand the dangers with it. I've also had times where either people are walking their dog off leash or the dog escapes (we have a subdivision down our road and dogs get out all the time) and of course they head straight to our backyard where the chickens are. We haven't let our hens free range in a while (they have a big pen so they don't really need to) so they're generally fine but some dogs can easily jump the fence so that's why we're installing a higher and more durable fence. It's tough!
I always keep my chicken in there run when there are unfamiliar dogs over unless I know for a fact the dog has been around chickens before and can handle itself. The 2nd day I had my chicks I started training my dog who is an Airedale terrier with an extremely high prey drive. It took her about 3 months to get from not even be able to be on the other side of a metal barrier that is not see through to laying in the yard with them as they free range. Now I almost want her to push them around because I have a rooster who will be nasty to her and she’ll just stand there defenseless.
I always keep my chicken in there run when there are unfamiliar dogs over unless I know for a fact the dog has been around chickens before and can handle itself. The 2nd day I had my chicks I started training my dog who is an Airedale terrier with an extremely high prey drive. It took her about 3 months to get from not even be able to be on the other side of a metal barrier that is not see through to laying in the yard with them as they free range. Now I almost want her to push them around because I have a rooster who will be nasty to her and she’ll just stand there defenseless.
Our dog was a rescue. The first day after adopting her our chickens were locked up and she ran circles around the run barking and nipping. Everyday I made a point to put her on the leash and walk her to the coop. When she could not maintain calm we walked away and she was given a treat. She went over the course of a month from only a minute to an hour. Now she knows to leave the layers alone but roos are fair game until momma steps in. My roo will actually hunt her down and she acts like she is playong with him. Bowing and running type behavior. If she over steps and starts nipping I say "enough. Leave it." And she runs ro me while he chases her down.
I feel your pain, I have the same issues with neighbors on both sides. I have one that says his dog will kill chickens if she gets a hold of them, but yet he allows her outside , unattended and unsecured in his yard. Which she seizes the opportunity to come to my house. Even though he says she doesn’t leave his property without him knowing about it 🙄. My other neighbor says she’s not responsible for her dog. He only comes
over when she’s out walking and the dog walks with her without a leash. The other day he wondered over into the yard when she was walking. She never came after him, just stood at the road and called the dog’s name. So I blasted it with a garden house jet stream in the face.
I understand animals will do what they do, but I get aggravated with the irresponsible owners. These are older people to who should know responsibilities and be courteous. I have a dog who stays in the backyard and never leaves it unless he’s on a leash. My husband thinks I’m overreacting and I’m being rude about this incident. I’m like “What?????”
LMAO, sounds like my husband and I. He gets annoyed and tells me to 'blame the owner, not the animal, but it's the DOG or chickens that're in my yard destroying fences, gardens, charging my pups and ducks, and I'm going to go after the animal....then the owner. I've lost over $1k this year in crops and damage and I am the one doing the work, so it's disrespectful to allow the animals to continue to destroy it. BUT, to his credit, he built me this, bc I've had it w the other critters.


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