Types of food for baby chicks


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2022
Please share the type of food you are feeding your baby chicks- medicated, non medicated, fermented, non fermented, be as specific as possible! Thanks!
Chick Starter.
Whatever fresh is available at the time, whether it's medicated or not.
Offered soaked, not fermented. Dry is also available free choice.
Chick grit provided at hatch.
Please share the type of food you are feeding your baby chicks- medicated, non medicated, fermented, non fermented, be as specific as possible! Thanks!

I've typically used unmedicated chick starter. (Crumbles, light brown color, no bits of different things that chicks could pick through.) I've used Purina brand and Dumor brand.

I keep it constantly available (dry), but I sometimes offer it wet as well (just add water.)
I have never fermented it.

I have never added anything to the water. No vitamins, no electrolytes, no vinegar, no sugar, etc. Normal healthy chicks do not need any of those things, because the food already has the right amount.
I fed medicated starter if I knew that the chicks weren't vaccinated, and unmedicated starter if I wasn't sure. I fed it dry but always made all of them drink water before the feed was offered for the first time.

I think I've fed both Purina and Dumor.
I do Payback organic hatch-to-hen crumble for first 2 weeks, then I add in the option of fermented Scratch & Peck starter. I offer chick grit from the start as the chicks will nibble their brooder bedding.

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