Two nest box problems


hillbilly extraordinaire
Mar 31, 2022
Missouri Ozarks
I have 9 pullets and two nesting boxes. Only 3 actively laying.
My first problem is my newest layer, an EE, who has never used the box. She's only been laying for a couple weeks but never in the box. Even when it's empty, clean, etc. I keep the boxes super clean. I have fake eggs inside. Ideas?

Second issue is sleeping on top of the box. We recently replaced the roost bars and now someone is sleeping on top. Bars are higher than the boxes. I use milk crates as nest boxes. I started removing them at night out of frustration. I don't like it. Ideas?
Photos of nest area? A sloped top on the nest boxes will keep them from sleeping on top of them (mine is just plywood hinged to the wall, resting at a 45 degree angle).


The new layer will probably figure it out over time, but if she's friendly enough to be handled, this is how I "train" new layers to using the boxes:

Now this isn't practical if you don't have time to stalk them, but what I did was I learned the problem bird(s) laying schedules, and when they went to their preferred spot to lay, I'd go and pick them up, stick them in a nest box, and barricade them in using my arms to cover the exit. 30-60 seconds was all they needed to calm down and start exploring the box and decide that maybe it wasn't such a bad place to be. They each started reliably using the boxes after that.

Alternatively, some folks design "doors" on their nest boxes so birds can be locked in, which basically does the same as above, but forces the bird to stay in the nest box (whereas once I see them exploring and sitting down in the nest, I leave them to it and walk away).
I threw poop in their bedding area "laying area" they picked! I finally removed the plastic divider that they used as an "imaginary back wall" to make it less attractive. Incidentally my buggar heads were my EE too!
Putting an angle us a good idea, anything to make it hard. Mine have only been laying for 3 months.
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I have 9 pullets and two nesting boxes. Only 3 actively laying.
My first problem is my newest layer, an EE, who has never used the box. She's only been laying for a couple weeks but never in the box. Even when it's empty, clean, etc. I keep the boxes super clean. I have fake eggs inside. Ideas?

Second issue is sleeping on top of the box. We recently replaced the roost bars and now someone is sleeping on top. Bars are higher than the boxes. I use milk crates as nest boxes. I started removing them at night out of frustration. I don't like it. Ideas?
I keep a low red light shining on top of their nesting boxes. They think it’s a heat lamp but it’s just a colored bulb. So they stay off the boxes.
I have 9 pullets and two nesting boxes. Only 3 actively laying.
My first problem is my newest layer, an EE, who has never used the box. She's only been laying for a couple weeks but never in the box. Even when it's empty, clean, etc. I keep the boxes super clean. I have fake eggs inside. Ideas?

Second issue is sleeping on top of the box. We recently replaced the roost bars and now someone is sleeping on top. Bars are higher than the boxes. I use milk crates as nest boxes. I started removing them at night out of frustration. I don't like it. Ideas?
I believe I read to remove nests boxes or block egg box entry, also adding curtains will help,
I have 9 pullets and two nesting boxes. Only 3 actively laying.
My first problem is my newest layer, an EE, who has never used the box. She's only been laying for a couple weeks but never in the box. Even when it's empty, clean, etc. I keep the boxes super clean. I have fake eggs inside. Ideas?

Second issue is sleeping on top of the box. We recently replaced the roost bars and now someone is sleeping on top. Bars are higher than the boxes. I use milk crates as nest boxes. I started removing them at night out of frustration. I don't like it. Ideas?
When we built our coop, we angled a board over top of the nest boxes, giving them plenty of room on get in, but the slant on the board does not allow them to roost on top of the nests. Any droppings from the roost which is higher, falls on the slanted board instead of the nest boxes. Is there a way to can add a slanted board?


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