two hard bumps on chickens tail?


Apr 18, 2023
does anyone know what these are? theyre at about the end of my hens tail


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That's completely normal. It's just her new feathers growing in. You know when you see chickens bury their face in their feathers and scratch and pull? They're pulling the hard encasing off of the little feather so they can grow more!
That's completely normal. It's just her new feathers growing in. You know when you see chickens bury their face in their feathers and scratch and pull? They're pulling the hard encasing off of the little feather so they can grow more!
omg what thats so cool!! i keep thinking i basically know everything about them now but im always wrong lol, thank u sm!!
omg what thats so cool!! i keep thinking i basically know everything about them now but im always wrong lol, thank u sm!!
Your welcome! Chickens are extremely fascinating creatures to watch! If you watch close when they start pulling and scratching, you can see the encasings go flying. Lol There's always something new to learn with a chicken!
Your welcome! Chickens are extremely fascinating creatures to watch! If you watch close when they start pulling and scratching, you can see the encasings go flying. Lol There's always something new to learn with a chicken!
yess!! and i always wondered why they had white stuff and when i dig in their feathers i didnt know they actually get rid of the casing on pin feathers! i thought all they did is just oil their feathers lol
yess!! and i always wondered why they had white stuff and when i dig in their feathers i didnt know they actually get rid of the casing on pin feathers! i thought all they did is just oil their feathers lol
My rooster used to let me pull his off. Lol It looks kinda gross though when they start molting and they have just the hard casing all over their backs.
My rooster used to let me pull his off. Lol It looks kinda gross though when they start molting and they have just the hard casing all over their backs.
ive seen those before and theyre esp funny on their heads lol,, had a couple bald girls at the end of their moult
ive seen those before and theyre esp funny on their heads lol,, had a couple bald girls at the end of their moult
Yeah, their heads are kinda funny looking with it! I prefer no moulting though!

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