Turning Eggs at Odd Hours?

Just Rosie

8 Years
May 10, 2016
Hello again everyone,
As I (im)patiently count down the days until my first clutch of the year hatches, I am eager to start another. I predict this year is going to be great for breeders.

I have another reliable incubator, only normally I manually turn in this bator, as its turner is rather small. It fits about 9 chicken eggs, while I can comfortably pack 22 in and manual turn.

I recently started a new job, and my hours are weird. I work 12pm to 10pm. I usually get home around 11:30pm-12:30am.

This affects my ability to manually turn. However, the more I read about it, it doesn’t sound like time between turns is as big of a factor as how often turns are occurring. Industrial incubators turn eggs every hour. (24x a day)

My question is: I would like to try and manually turn. I would set an alarm for 8am, turn then, go back to sleep, wake up at 9:30am, turn, get ready for work, turn before 10:30am when I’m supposed to leave for work. The eggs would then sit for about 13-14 hours. As soon as I get home, turn eggs, then go about my night getting ready for bed, and turn once again when I go to bed, around 1-2am. The eggs would then sit for 6-7 hours until I woke up and started over. This would mean the eggs get turned 5 times in a 24 hour period, but with some large gaps in between. Does this seem feasible? Will it be enough to give the egg and embryo what they need from turning?

Sorry for long post—thanks in advanced!
I’m sorry no one responded sooner. How did the hatching turn out?

Good and bad, I believe.

I also happened to set quail eggs in there at the SAME time (bad idea), all but 2 of 9 quail hatched on day 17, but of the 6 fertile chicken eggs, all 6 pipped externally but only 3 hatched.

I think rotations were fine, as I even turned them more often on my off days, but I think letting chicks hatch 4 days prior was a no-no.

Thanks for asking!

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